Things are not always what they seem | Teen Ink

Things are not always what they seem

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

There was a group of friends in total of four. They were friends for a long time. Each one cared


so much for one other. The main girl of the group was Andrea she had ocean blue eyes with long


hair the color of dark night. The other three girls Grace, Mia, Kiara. All of them were


inseparable. One day they were going to lunch together and then Andrea got a text saying I know


your secret, but the only secret she has told was to the girls. Andrea said “ha-ha how funny I


know it’s one of you guys”. Everyone was confused they told Andrea what are you talking about.


Andrea was like the text one of y’all sent me saying I know your secret. Mia replied to her


saying all of us have our phones on the table we did not even touch them. Andrea face went


pale. Later that day Kiara got a text as well from an unknown number with a picture of her binge


eating. She immediately called Andrea panicking, because out of the whole friend group she was


the only she talked about her eating disorder. Andrea picked up the phone with enmity saying


how dare she accused her of doing that. Kiara after the call thought Andrea is a fake friend why


would she be mad about if she did not do it. Few days after that there was a video going around


the school of Grace falling on her face when she went down the stairs. Grace was acting


autonomous, but when she went to see the girls, she was antithesis. Mia comfort Grace saying


the video was probably photoshop, but Grace said “no that was me yesterday I thought no one


saw me the hallway was empty”. Mia smiled but didn’t say anything after that. Kiara and Andrea


were still not talking to each other. So Kiara told Mia to tell Andrea her outfit is antiquated


Andrea gave Kiara the evilest look ever for saying that. Later that day Andrea was at her house


feeling sad of the way Kiara has been treating her so she decides to invite the girls over. But


before that happen, Andrea wanted to settle this one and for all she called Grace to see if she can


hirer a perfection lie detector can get the guy to come to Andrea’s house. The girls were all


gathered in the living room. The lie detector guy arrived Mia said, “who’s this”. Grace answered


with “oh his here to do the lie detector”. Mia’s face was blood boiling red. Andrea told everyone


to write questions to ask to see if one of them are lying. Few minutes later all the girls were


doing good, but Andrea went, and she lied that she didn’t send that picture to Kiara to scare her.


Kiara stormed off the house saying “I knew it was you how could you do that to me your one of


my best friends I trusted you”. Grace and Mia left as well they were shocked what Andrea did.


Andrea said, “wait that’s not true something is wrong with that thing I’m telling the truth”. But


they did not want to hear it. Going to school the next day the girls didn’t talk to Andrea


completely ignore her like that did not know who she was. Since Andrea had no friends


therefore, she sat alone. Mia’s plan went well she was celebrating to herself now she is


main one of the group no one to compete with she did something to the lie detector when


the guy wasn’t looking. Mia can continue with her plan to be the only one on top this


time she made an account that has all of Kiara, Grace, and Andrea. It’s all taken by bad angles


and out of context. Kiara talked to Grace about this situation saying do you think its Andrea, but


why would she put herself it has to be someone else. Andrea cried in her room all day she


stopped going to school. Mia decides to stop by Andrea’s house and talk with her. Andrea


opened the door Mia said how things working out for you now that your well on the bottom


no friends no people looking up to you and well nothing. Andrea said it was you who did this


why I've done nothing to you I thought we were friends. Mia replied quit the act I have always


been in your shadows the girl no one notices the last choice well I was done with that so I made


a plan to get rid of you and I can’t believe it was so easy getting Kiara and Grace to leave you


out. Anyways have fun being a nobody said Mia. Andrea slammed the door since, she was


furious. She needed to come up a plan to expose Mia about her true intentions. She remembered


that her front door has a camera that they jest installed. She found the video on her phone and


posted the whole entire school saw it. Grace and Kiara went to apologize to Andrea she forgave


them saying it’s okay I know Mia had you guys thinking something different. As a gift they


both gave Andrea a ring that symbolizes their friendship and make a promise to always talk


things out instead of doing something silly. They all hugged with the biggest smiles.

The author's comments:

This is a piece I put together since I know a lot of girls go through it but it has more fiction do it. 

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