The Biggest League | Teen Ink

The Biggest League

September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

 One Saturday in 2nd grade, the 5 best friends Tim, Rob, Zack, Tony, and Jake, watch their favorite TV show, The Big Leagues. The Big Leagues is a series of shows where a basketball team battles until the very end, starting at 8 total teams until it’s only two teams remaining. The reward for the winning team is the Gold Big Leagues trophy, with each name of the winning team on the trophy. The boys imagined if they could be on that show one day. They play games together after school. They make a small trophy out of cardboard and rubberbands. They imagined it as the Big Leagues trophy they have seen on TV. They were only in 2nd grade, They couldn’t sign up for the Big Leagues, just yet. Eventually, they grow up to be very big freshmen. They are excited for their first week of High school. The boys meet up with each other after school. They all see the very big gym, and amazing basketball court. “This place is definitely an upgrade,” said Jake. “yeah for sure,” says Zack. “Do you guys wanna try this place out tomorrow after school?” Tim asks. “It’ll be fun, also we haven’t seen Tony just yet,” Everyone turns around as they hear a knock on the Gym double doors. “There he is,” Jake says. “Sorry guys, my mom got stuck in traffic” Tony exhales after being tired from running down the hall. The boys play a few games on the court, scoring lay-ups and 3 pointers. The Basketball Coach, from the other side of the gym, sees an amazing potential with these boys, and will ask them if they are up for an upcoming game. “Hey boys, What are y’all up to?”, “Just trying out the court”, says Tim. “Well I’ve seen how you boys play, and I must say I am impressed, there’s a game coming up and If you are interested, consider signing up.” What’s your name, Coach?” My name’s Dex,”

“Okay, Dex, We’ll let you know if we are up.” Tim tells Dex. The 5 members look at each other, so they all consider signing up. “Hey Dex!” Tim yells,“Yes, Tim?” “Sign us up!” Tim proudly shouts at Coach. “Alright but you guys need a team name.” “What about ‘The MEGA Team” asks Zack. “No, you MEGA dummy.” Jake says to Zack. “Guys, we need a real team name.What about ‘The Biggest League’?”Rob asks. “Yeah but if we get 2nd place, we would be ‘The Biggest Idiots’.” Zack explains. “Let’s just stick to it,  Zack,” Tim says. “Let’s just hurry up with a name!” Rob yells. “We’ll stick with ‘The Biggest League’,Coach.”. “Alright I’ll sign you guys up,but also make sure you are ready for the game after school tomorrow, I’ll buy you guys outfits”. The 5 members each go home, Tony promises himself not to be late again after school, Zack thinks about his team, but Tim thinks this is a good chance for the team. This is gonna be the first time Tim and his friends will be playing a real game, with REAL people watching. The next morning, Tim wakes up, eats breakfast and gets ready for school. The day goes by, Tim, Tony and Rob all have the same classes together, while Zack and Jake both have the same classes together. After school, the 5 boys meet the coach. Coach brings them their outfits and everyone is disappointed and gasps. “Coach, what in the world are those jerseys!” Tony yells. Tony finally makes it on time with his friends. “This is y’all team’s name, right?”, “NO, We said ‘The Biggest League’, not ‘The Biggest Idiots’,”I thought you guys said ‘The Biggest Idiots’?” “Zack said that, but we did not want that name, Coach!” “Alright, Alright, but you guys gotta wear these for the game for today.” The boys are very embarrassed and start blaming Zack. They all shamefully put on the jerseys and get ready with their equipment. The bus arrives as it is going to take them to another court. The boys get there and see their new court at another high school. They start unloading their equipment on the benches and meeting the other team members. “Where’s my water bottle?” Tony asks. “In Rob’s bag, I think.” answered Zack. “Let’s warm up guys, we don’t wanna play without a proper warm up.” The other team members start walking up to Tim and his friends. “Well well well, look at these IDIOTS, get it? Your jerseys say ‘Biggest Idiots’.” Player 1, says to the 5 boys. “It was an accidental team name” “Well I think you guys are still big idiots!” coming from another player, number 3. Number 3 was very tall with very nice hair. “What’s your team name?” Jake asks. “Call us ‘The Muscles’!” The 5 Muscle members Flex at the same time. “How about ‘No Muscles? You guys could use a workout” Jake laughs out loud. “Well let’s see who wins this game then!” Player 2 says. The referee blows the whistle and the 2 teams get into position. Each individual member of the team gets nervous, they haven’t played against other highschoolers before. The referee holding the ball in the middle of the court is about to throw the ball. Jake and number 4 stare at each other, Intensely. Number 4 has a sleight height advantage, but Jake can jump the highest out of all the 5 friends.The commentators are in action. The referee blows the whistle, and off goes the ball! Jake jumps and hits the ball towards Zack, just barely making it into his hands. “Zack catches the ball and shoots!” The 3 pointer buzzer goes off. “THREE POINTER!!” Yells the commentator. “Let’s go, Zack!” “You just got lucky.” number 4 says to Zack, shoving zack with his shoulder.  As time goes by, the score is tied over and over again. In 30 minutes, the score is 40-41. The Muscles are in the Lead. This last round will determine who wins this game. 5 seconds remaining. Rob has the ball in his hands and is about to pass it to Jake, but is being guarded  by 2 players. Rob attempts to run with the ball to make a 3 pointer, and as he is about to shoot, number 2 is coming his way, but before he slaps the ball out of his hand. Rob passes the ball to Tim. Tim attempts to make a dunk. Noone is guarding Tim, so all the eyes are on Tim, right now. This is Tim’s moment. *BZZZZ!* The buzzer goes off. The referee says something that amazes the crowd. “It’s in!”. The crowd started cheering in the bleachers. “I knew you would make it, Tim!”. Rob says to Tim. “You just won us the game, Tim!”. All of the 5 best friends celebrate and sit down to drink some water. The referee walks to the Biggest League members. The referee tells them that they were on TV, and were on the ‘Big Leagues’ show. They were all one step closer to getting the golden trophy.

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I'm a teen

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