Hypochondriac | Teen Ink


September 1, 2023
By DianaRosaValdez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
DianaRosaValdez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a calm morning, making myself some toast with butter on top. As I was eating, suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I dropped my toast that fell onto the plate. “Heart attack, heart attack, heart attack...” kept repeating in my head. The more I panicked the tighter my chest gets. My heart was pounding extremely fast, my breathing began shortening. A tingling sensation started to happen all around my body. My face to my arms, to my legs, and even to my back. My legs felt weak. My parents’ room was beside the kitchen where I was. My mom came out of her room with a worried expression on her face. She quickly came up to me grabbing my shoulders asking me, “What’s wrong?” No words were able to slip from my tongue. My chest kept getting tighter and tighter. It felt like I was running out of oxygen. Mom let go of my shoulders and went back to her room. She came out with her red bag. I knew exactly what that bag was for. She placed it on the table unzipping it. She had so many different essential oils. She kept pulling out different ones till she found the one she was looking for. “Peace and Calming,” was the name on the green label of the essential oil. She took off the cap and she placed it under my nose. “Inhale it. It’ll calm your nerves.” I took a big whiff at it. If I can describe the smell, smelled like a mixture of herbs with a hint of peppermint. To my surprise, it did help calm me down little by little. As I relaxed my mom asked, “Okay, what was wrong?” “I was eating toast and I felt like someone was stabbing my chest.” She kept nodding which led me to believe she was listening to what I had to say. The pain was still there but it was duller this time. “There is nothing wrong with you. You just had a panic attack.” It still doesn’t explain the sudden chest pain before the attack. “Keep inhaling it when you begin to stress out. She placed the oil in front of me and walked back to her room. I thought I was going to be fine but that changed after a month past. The dull pain remained in my chest. Not only that but lately I’ve been dealing with really bad pain in my lower right abdomen. It was so bad that I felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom to puke my guts out. After I finished, I flushed the toilet and walked to the sink putting soap on my hands as I rubbed them against each other. I turned on the sink and rinsed the soap off my hands. I shut it off and dried my hands with a towel. As I walked out of the bathroom, I held onto my right side due to the pain. I walked into my room and the dull pain began to get sharper. If it couldn’t get any worse, it shifted to my shoulder. Slowly, it shifted to my jaw. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket unlocking it. Pressed on the “Safari” icon. Pressed on the search bar typing, “Signs of Heart Attack/Heart problems.” I pressed “Enter.” A box popped up, “Tightness of chest, pain that moves up to your shoulder up to your jaw, or down your arm.” I began to hyperventilate. I pressed on the search bar typing, “Pain in my lower right side.” I did think that it was most likely me ovulating, but it didn’t feel right. I pressed “Enter.” Another box popped up and it said, “Pain in the lower right quadrant could be a result of appendicitis, hernia, kidney issues, IBS…” Made my heart skip a beat. I then searched, “Symptoms of appendicitis.” Loss of appetite. Nausea. Vomiting. Excruciating pain in the lower right quadrant. I yelled for my mom. She came quickly into my room. “Please take me to the ER!! I think my appendix is going to burst!” She rolled her eyes. She got the truck keys and we both got into the truck. It was around 10-15 minute drive to the ER. We got out of the truck and walked into the building. We walked up to the receptionist. “What is the reason for your visit today?” she asked with an emotionless tone. She was most likely tired. I explained to her about what I’ve been feeling. She then gave my mom the paperwork. We sat down and Mom signed each paper in a dawdle to not waste time. As she finished, she gave the paperwork back to the receptionist. We waited for around 5 minutes. A doctor walked out of the room and called for my name. Mom and I got up and walked towards him. He led us to the room and he began asking me questions in an austere tone like, “Have you vomited? Gone to the bathroom? Lack of eating anything? Rate the pain from 1-10.” I answered each one and my heart never beat any faster than now. “OK, I am going to be taking some blood tests on you and put an IV in your system for the CT scan. It does seem to appear you have symptoms of appendicitis but we will be able to see that in the scan.” I began shaking. He then left the room. Mom and I stared at each other for a moment. A nurse later walked in with the tubes and injections. “What arm do you want me to take blood from?” I lifted my right arm. He wrapped my arm with the elastic band and began finding my vein. He found it and wiped the surface with rubbing alcohol. Injected the butterfly needle into me and began taking my blood. After that, he left a needle in my arm that had a tube so it was possible for me to bend my arm. He told me to follow him to the room with the CT scan. I got up and followed him to the room. He gave me a towel to put over my shoulders and lay down. I was always scared about the CT scan due to horror movies. “If you feel any pain, let me know so we can take a break and start all over.” He said that as he injected the IV in me through the needle in my arm. He then walked to the separate room and began the scan. The CT scan started turning and it moved me inside the hole. My body felt like I was being burned alive. It was the scariest thing of my life. After what felt like an eternity, the scan stopped and it pulled me back out. The doctor came up to me asking me how I was feeling while it was doing its job. “My whole body was on fire!” I exclaimed. He said “That's good! It means it took a scan of everything correctly.” That gave me some sort of relief but in the back of my mind, I was still afraid about the results. I came back to the room my mom was waiting for me. “I will be back with the results.” and left the room. I was stuck thinking about my future if I didn't have appendicitis. That would be I need surgery. 2 weeks at the hospital. I was just ranting to my mom about it. An hour passed and the doctor came back with a smile, “Good news! Your appendix is fine. Your kidneys are also normal. There is no issue with your heart either. The chest pains you get are due to anxiety. Anxiety also tends to mimic a lot of illnesses which in your case, heart problems. Anxiety has also seemed to unbalance your digestive system which is the reason for your abdomen pain. I will prescribe some medication for nausea and acid reflux.” I let out a huge sigh of relief and thanked him. It is insane what anxiety can do. I still get scared when I feel something off in my body and I’ll automatically go on Google to search for what illness I have. I even go as far as not eating many foods due to being afraid of messing up my stomach. Constantly check my pulse but at the end of the day, it's my anxiety. One day I will beat anxiety.

The author's comments:

I am a hypochondriac which is where I will get a symptom and automatically think I have an illness. It is a pretty scary thing. It causes me to have bad panic attacks, lack of food, checking my pulse constantly and need of reassurance. Even not believing the doctors when they tell you you are fine. Here is an explanation of how it is.

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