Vacation | Teen Ink


May 8, 2023
By oliviaheim SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
oliviaheim SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rosie puts her left then right foot out the car and stands up and grabs the hot handle of the heavy suitcase. All the clothes and belongings beneath the suitcase mushed together like sardines in a can. Rosie lifted her head toward the bright blue ocean view, sun beaming on her face, feeling as though her face is a stove set on high. Deep breath in and the smell of the nature around her feels like the best breath of fresh air she's ever gotten. She smells freedom and relaxation. Hearing the birds chirping the waves going back and forth moving closer and closer to shore. As they finally got their stuff together they walked the beautiful path of palm trees and flowers to their hotel room, with nothing but sweat and makeup running down Rosie's face and she's ready for some ice cold air conditioning.

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