People You Know, People You Don't | Teen Ink

People You Know, People You Don't

April 4, 2023
By faithmurillo BRONZE, Artesia, California
faithmurillo BRONZE, Artesia, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a welcoming cafe in a chilled region of town - Wardpul, a community flanked by various streets and blocks of cafes and restaurants -Tristana Floyd sat down with her legs crossed, lazily stirring a small, beige cup of espresso as she waited for her long term best friend to show up. To Tristana, no one matched her thoughts and feelings as much as Lark Rowe. Two pastry dishes sat before Tristana and the vacant seat across from her. Ever since she can remember, they were attached at the hips; anytime one had an academic decathlon, the other would be cheering for the other from the stands, and when one friend would celebrate a milestone, such as having a wisdom tooth removal, comfort will be undoubtedly granted from this duo of best friends. However, what sent a shudder down her spine was how the entire cafe challenged her closeness with her best friend as she pondered the thought in her head. Finally, in this quaint cafe, Tristana Floyd may receive answers about why her best friend has been acting erratic lately, especially around her boyfriend.

“How have you been this fine evening, Rowe?” Tristana asked, eyes gleaming with joy and relief as soon as her long-term friend pulled a chair across the wooden table from Tristana. “Ever since my boyfriend returned, you’ve been acting a little skittish lately….” Her voice quickly became interrogative.

“Thanks for asking, ‘Tana. Things have been looking up for me lately,” said Lark, barely attempting to reciprocate Tristana's eye contact.

Tristana's eyes surveyed Rowe’s unmatching enthusiasm and decided to lift the dark and gloomy cloud looming over her friend’s head. Then, deciding to shift the subject, Tristana probed further. “Anyway, do anything interesting on the weekend?”

“Ah, well,” she grabbed the unattended pastry and ripped off a large piece, “the usual.”

“You know, you’re usually more talkative than,” she then lifts her hand to gesture to her friend while eating, “this. “

“I beg to differ, Tristana. If anything, I would say I was always like this.”

Tristana was taken aback by the sudden formality and change of tonality within her friend’s voice. “Really? Because it sure doesn’t seem like it, Lark.”

Eventually, uncomfortable with Lark’s change of attitude and slightly irritated, Tristana decided enough was enough and that it was time to unveil what she wanted the answer to all along. The proper reason she invited her to the local and bustling cafe in Wardpul.

After impregnable silence thickened the air between the duo, Tristana raised her voice and confidently asked, “What were you doing on November 5th, Lark? You know, with my boyfriend?” her eyes zeroed in on Lark.

Lark halted the hastened chewing of her pastry as her brows furrowed in confusion. Lark’s visage presented a protruding vein at the side of her temple, demonstrating her slight frustration. ‘I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about, Tana.”

Unfortunately, Tristana's gaze softened as she realized that, upon examining a shift in look from bewilderment to guilt, it was then that a white surge of fury surged through her body. Tristana's jaw clenched at the realization that an event transpired between the two most influential figures in her life, though unbeknownst to her.

Tristana shook her head in disbelief. “I thought I could trust you. What happened to friends never lying to each other?

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she fought back the tears threatening to spill. “And what is that, Lark? You know, I thought I knew the real you, but maybe..I really don’t.” Tristana sniffled, her eyes stinging from the tears that ran down her cheeks.

Lark pursed her lips and faced the glass window depicting all the incoming and departing cars. “That’s what separates me from you, “Tana.” After five minutes passed, Tristana's countenance showcased betrayal and anguish; she couldn’t even bear to look her friend directly in the eyes now that the truth had surfaced.

For this godforsaken argument, we agree on something. You always thought you knew, but here you are disproving your here argument. I know a good opportunity when I see one.” Lark abruptly stood up and was pulled back by an immovable force.

Prompting Lark to turn around, she was met with the cold gaze of Tristana. "The moment you step out the door, Lark will be the last time you," she took her unattended hand to jab her finger at her friend's chest," will ever be able to call me friend. "

Lark didn't reply. She stood up and shoved the chair with a fingernail distance to the table; she made her way to the glass exit door of the cafe. A speed walk quickly transitioned into a run, and Lark ran, unable to face her former friend.

For the first time in her life, Tristana felt worthless and vulnerable. Nevertheless, Tristana felt the adrenaline pumping throughout her body. Tristana yelled, “Please! I’m begging you, let’s work something out!” screaming after her former friend.

Unfortunately for Tristana, her cry went unanswered, the only response being the howling wind of night. A glistening tear streamed down her eyes, proving a futile loss. Unbeknownst to Tristana, Lark’s body started wracked with sobs as soon as she got into her car.
“I really messed up big time, didn’t I?” Lark brought her palm to wipe away her tears as she opened her glove compartment to find a picture of her and her former best friend.

The author's comments:

" People You Know, People You Don't" focuses on a once close friendship, where both girls were as thick as thieves. However, with a new boy in the mix, will the girls be able to repair their friendship after encountering rocky waters?

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