The Past | Teen Ink

The Past

April 4, 2023
By brysonmcgeorge BRONZE, Maumee, Ohio
brysonmcgeorge BRONZE, Maumee, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mmmm morning already Wednesday morning. I go back to school today. At least I will get to see my friends. Now let's get drest. After I did everything I watched youtube until it was time to wait for the bus. I was one of the first ones on the bus. I sit in the back in seat 21 but what I do not like about my seat is I am surrounded by girls. The thing I like about my bus is that I can sit with my friends.  But we get annoyed by the music. So a little later I asked if I could move up front  with my friends. And I did. Now I'm in seat 4. On the way to school me and my friends played pokemon till we got to school. Ohno I forgot about the bully! His name is willbert.  Now he is a bully because people made fun of his name. You see, on the first day of school it was his turn to say his name and when he did it turned into a carnival. So the next day at recess people would bully him in a gang. So the next day he got punched and when he did… he got right up and knocked the bullies to the ground. STOMP oh no is that him? Oh it's not him, it's just another student. But back to the story so when he did that he felt big and hot inside and he still is today. PUNCH ahhhhh take cover! Whele there goes another kid to the hospital. Every day at least ten people go to the hospital. I got to go before willbert see’s me. ok so now you know he is pretty dangerous. I have never ran into him thankfully but I still have to keep my eye out. Ok time for phys ed I can't wait for dodgeball wednesday logan. I know rite. It is so much better than last night's jump rope thing. Yeah like what is the point of having us jump with a rope about to hit us. I know see you in the gym. Hey wait up!!! Ok well that was Logan. He is one of my best friends. Well, no time for talking. I need to go play some dodgeball. Hi Logan, why are all the papers here? I don't know if it looks like the same ones from last night. Let's go see what we are doing. Ok. Hey Mr Ward, what are we doing today? How can we play dodgeball with all these pictures in our way. Well we aren't playing dodgeball today we are doing a harder jump rope exercise. WHAT!!! We did that yesterday. I wanted to play dodgeball. What is this. Sorry bryson. Why you mad bryson because logan we are doing more jump rope but harder WHAT!!! Ohno the bully heard us just stay calm. I know bryson. Hey punks, why are you making so much noise um because we don't have dodgeball today but it is harder jump rope. What!! Why? I Know right like it is the first day back and we don't get to play dodgeball. Ok you're lucky you knew this or I would beat you up. No way I just talked to willbert. I know how did you do that. I don't know. Well, do you want to be my partner? Sure why not. This is so hard I can't do half of these. I know right. Finally it's time to go to are next class. 

Bryson, you know we have math next right? Yeah duuuu. Don't you remember we have a test today. Ohhh I forgot about that I'm so going to fail. I haven't been studying. Well that sucks for you. I have been studying for a while. Yeah right logan you never study. Well I did this time. RING RING RING. ohno we are late we are so in trouble.  45 minutes later

Well I flunked the test did you logan? no I got a B, it's better than what I usually get. You really did study, didn't you. Yeah I tried to tell you. Well tomorrow's friday Logan you ready for the weekend bryson yes who isn't willbert broke his record for most kids to the hospital. Hi bryson. Oh hi willbert wait AHHHHHHH!!!! PUNCH! BRYSON!!!! SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE!! PLEASE STAY AWAKE!!


The end

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