less than a second | Teen Ink

less than a second

March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

You were driving down the highway. Then out of nowhere, you get rear-ended. You wake up and you just see doctors crowding around you. You try to sit up but you can't it is like your whole body is stuck. After you get a good look at your so surroundings you realize that you are in a hospital. They start to talk to you and they ask you what your name is. You don't remember, they continue to ask you questions that you don't know the answers to. After a while of them asking you questions, they finally tell you what is wrong. You find out that you have a very bad concussion that may affect you in the long run. After a while they finally let you go home but there are a couple of rules you have to follow. When you get home your parents make you go lay in bed so then it doesn't get any worse. After a little bit of time, you hear your mom on the phone then she started asking questions about what seems like a doctor. She starts to ask some questions. Then you can finally hear what the person on the phone is saying. And it ends up being the doctor. The doctor answers all the questions that your mom has asked. Then your mom ends up walking into the room and tells you the news. “So I was just on the phone with your doctor and I asked him if you could still play basketball. He told me that you could start to try to play in a couple of weeks but it isn't a promise that you can play in a couple of weeks.” Your mom said. You start to think in your head what if I never get to play basketball again? What if this ruins my life? You tell your mom what you started to think.

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