Floating Staircase | Teen Ink

Floating Staircase

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

I walked down my usual path, past the “Y’ looking tree, and then past the giant boulder with my initials on it. I then passed the tall bushes, and I saw something. Something I've never seen before. A floating staircase. It looked as if it led up to heaven. There was no base or structure holding it up, it was just there. It smelled like rich wood, fresh but used. I wandered over to it, wondering if I was dreaming or having a hallucination, but it was real. I was afraid that if I poked it, it would fall apart, but it was as sturdy as an oak tree. I walked over to the front of it, and took a small step onto the first step. After a minute of hesitation I stood fully on the first step. After a minute or so, I gained confidence and made my way up to the 5th step. It felt like I was floating. I kept walking up, after an hour, I reached the clouds, it was breathtaking. I felt a buzz in my pocket. I had forgotten I had my phone in my pocket this whole time. “Oh shoot.” I said to myself. I pulled out my phone and looked at the 50 messages that my mom sent me, asking where I was, or what I was doing, or who I was with. I carefully walked back down the stairs, and after about an hour and a half, I reached the bottom and sprinted home. The next day, I came back to go further up it, but it was nowhere to be found. I was amazed. “Was it all a dream?”, I thought to myself. I looked around for a bit, then headed back home. I wondered if I would ever see it again. It had disappeared like a cloud driven by the wind. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this off of a picture of a floating staircase

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