The Countryside | Teen Ink

The Countryside

February 25, 2023
By Felice_ciputra SILVER, Jakarta, Other
Felice_ciputra SILVER, Jakarta, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The countryside is a retreat for my peace of mind. Of all my days visiting there, it has never failed to coax my inner energy to flow in ways where I could weave my soul deep into its verdant grasps. As I strolled on the great expanse of green, I felt engulfed by the multitude of hues that more than anyone could ever name. I remembered the way the land would roll like a quilt, giving birth to families of hills forming waves that stretched further than the horizon. Canopies of trees blanketed these hills, offering light shade to those beneath them.

Every day there were rays of brilliant sunshine enough to illuminate the flamboyant petals of dancing flowers. The warm sunshine rays hug like a loved one, so unlike the relentless, scorching rays in desert dunes. A single road disturbed the landscape momentarily like half of a pipe cut open--its sides were lined by green fingers of bushes, which painted it with fresh colors.

Livestock dotted around idly in pastures while birds, butterflies, squirrels and more of my innocent friends fill my eardrums with their unrivalled rhythm. Those winged artists could conjure an auditory painting on top of the already overwhelming visual scenery. They sang praises for the blessings of nature as they settled with their families on canopies of treetops.

The countryside definitely has its magical charms. A simple walk in this place would erase all the monotony that hectic life in the cities had developed. It was as if the cool breeze could blow all your stress away with just a gust. My heart was rejuvenated, my mind soothed of any anxiousness. I trailed my hand along the plants, rustled their leaves and rubbed their delicate petals. If I had all the time in the world, I could do this all day.

Gradually the sky darkened to dusk and glittering stars coated the night canvas of the galaxy. The silent moon bathed the air with its ethereal silver light, a bright beacon in the night. It is time for the animals to retreat to the comforts of their shelter. I could imagine them scurrying away, giving each other good night kisses.

I paused for a brief moment and took a deep breath of the cool night air.
Oh, how I adore the countryside. Even in the dead quietness of nature, the peace that its majestic beauty brought can be felt within the soul.

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