The Goop That Lasts Forever | Teen Ink

The Goop That Lasts Forever

February 23, 2023
By LAXchamp2022 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
LAXchamp2022 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

It was a  beautiful weekend, as I headed outside to see the big pile of goop dipped and drizzled all over the walls and the bed of my garden. “Gros!” I shouted! “Hayley, stay away from that stuff! We don’t know what it is!” Hayley is my dog, she is 4 years old and she is a Bernice Mountain Dog and is the fluffiest thing in the world!

“I heard you shout about something earlier, and I was curious what it all was about.” My mom said, as she walked sulkily out of the doorway and onto the balcony right above me. 

“Well, there is a bunch of green slimy stuff right in the middle of the garden!!” I hollered, pointing at the garden “It landed right on top of the tomatoes. “Hayley tried to touch it, but I yelled at her to back away from it, because we don’t know what it is!” 

“I’ll come down and take a look at it.” My mom said, as she disappeared back into her room. As soon as she had gotten down to the main level, and had exited the door she came over and started inspecting the substance. “Well, it definitely doesn’t look normal. I’ll try and research it, and I’ll tell you if I find anything.” 

After a while of waiting for my mom to call me inside, I went in and looked over her shoulder at the article she was reading. “Mysterious green slime dropping from the sky, 1980, Huckleberry Dr.” I read the caption just below the picture of our house, but it wasn’t really our house, it was older, and more of the paint was peeling off the walls. It was hard to decipher the color of the paint, or the tile that led up to the front door, due to the fact that the picture was black and white. 

“What I’ve found so far isn’t really useful, except that this has been happening every 20 years for the past 100 years.” My mom said, pointing at other black and white pictures. The one that she was pointing at now was from 1940, then before that there was a drawing from 1920, because not many people took pictures back then. Then there was one from 1900, that one looked more like scribbles than a house, but you could see that there was a spot of paper that hadn’t been painted and that was the goop on top of the roof. 

“Didn’t grandma and grandpa live in this same house before they passed it on to you and daddy?” I asked, trying to remember our history. 

“Correct” My mom said, a surprised expression on her face “I didn’t think you knew that about our history! Your father and I don’t talk about it much now-a-days. Did you also know that my parent’s parents lived here too?” 

“I did know that, because you told me once that this house had been in our house for several generations, and that we won’t give it to anyone that is outside our family tree.” I said, remembering the conversation I had with my parents on this topic a couple of weeks ago

“Wow! I’m impressed!” My mom said. 

“What’s up my ladies?” My dad said, walking in through the doorway that led into the living room.

“We were trying to figure out the situation with the green goop outside that landed on the garden.” I explained

“What goop?” My dad asked as he was walking over to my mom and I at the computer. Then he whispered something into my mom’s ear that sounded like “Do you think it was the aliens again honey?” 

“Did I hear aliens?” I asked, after a couple of seconds of silence. “If I did hear correctly, then I have a couple of questions.” 

“Yes you did hear correctly, but you weren't supposed to.” My dad said, in the stern voice he uses when I bust into other people’s business. 

“Okay, first question, why are aliens putting gloop on our house? Second question, how long have you known about the aliens? Third question, how long have the aliens been doing this to our property? Fourth question, did grandma and grandpa know that aliens were doing this?” I asked “Okay. I’m done.”

“Answer to the first question, the aliens are putting gloop on our house because your great great great grandfather did something to upset them. Answer to the second question, about since I was your age. Answer to the third question, they have been doing this for the past 100 years to any place that our ancestors have lived. Answer to the fourth question, yes.” My dad said, running out of breath as soon as he had finished answering the fourth question. 

“Whoa.” I said under my breath. “Aliens. Our home. Mysterious goop.” 

“Yes I know. It can be surprising at first, but you get used to it after a little while.” My dad said. “One more thing that I think you should know, I don’t think it’ll stop.”

“Ever? Not even in a million years?” I said, not wanting to put up with aliens the rest of my life. “You know what, the next time that alien comes, I’m going to make sure to give it a good talking to.” I said, putting my hands on my hips. 

“I believe you will. Someday.”

The author's comments:

This story is good for people who love fiction and mysteries. 

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