New Town, New Girl, New Boy | Teen Ink

New Town, New Girl, New Boy

January 6, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a bright and early Friday morning when I woke up for her first day of school. It wasn't just a regular first day; I just moved to Missouri and it's my first day at this school. All the emotions were running through my body. I don't know anyone, I don't know my way around the school. I threw on my black leggings and an oversized sweatshirt. I was already running late. I ran down the stairs to my parents and a freshly cooked breakfast sitting on the table. I rushed to eat and ran out the door. 

¨Have a great day at school¨ yelled her mother.

¨You're going to do great, we love you¨ Yelled her dad. 

I gave them a faint smile and ran to the bus stop. I got on the bus and hesitated for a minute as I decided where to sit. Everyone on the bus was sitting next to their friends, smiling and laughing. I found an empty seat right in the front and sat down. I immediately buried my face in my phone to keep myself occupied. Luckily I was the last stop so I wasn't on the bus for long. 

When I got to school, I walked in and went to my first class, Biology. Science was my favorite subject so I was happy to start my day this way. As I went through the door I made eye contact with a tall, blonde haired boy. 

¨Everyone say hello to our new student Leah¨ said the teacher. 

I stood in the front of the class awkwardly while continuing to make eye contact with the boy in the back. 

¨You're going to go and sit next to Timothy in the back of the class¨ said the teacher ¨Raise your hand Timothy so she knows who you are.¨

I started to walk to the back as I realize Im sitting next to the guy I made awkward eye contact with. Maybe I can become good friends with him. You are new to the school Leah. You need to get out of your comfort zone and make new friends, I thought.   I went and sat down in my chair and the teacher continued on with his lesson.

¨What are we doing?¨ I asked Timothy quietly 

¨We started a project. If you want to be partners we can¨ said Timothy

¨Yes that would be great¨ I said

I scooted closer to his table to see what the project was about and to figure out what my part was. I wanted to help out as much as I could. At my old school I never had good grades so I was really focused on putting school as my first priority this year. 

¨This project is due Sunday, so do you want to get together this weekend and work on it¨ Said Timothy 

¨That sounds great¨ I said. I wrote my number on a small piece of paper and handed it to him. ¨Here take this and you can text me when and where.¨ Timothy smiled and the bell rang for us to head to our next class. I never saw him for the rest of the day. 

When I got home both my parents were eager to hear all about my day. ¨I met this very nice guy and we are working on a project together this weekend¨ I said. 

¨Wow that's great Leah. Just remember you need to focus on your academics this year and maybe not get into a relationship your first year here when you are still figuring things out¨ my mom said. 

¨I never said we were going to be more than friends¨ I said as I stormed up the stairs to my room. I slammed my door and jumped straight onto my bed. It was only five o'clock, but my first day drained me. I went straight to sleep and skipped dinner. 

It was early on Saturday morning when I grabbed my phone to see if Timothy texted me about when we should get together to finish this project. There were no notifications. I got ready and went downstairs to breakfast on the table. Every Saturday morning we have mandatory family breakfast. My mom thinks it gives us time to talk about our week and good quality family time. Breakfast this morning was french toast, my personal favorite. My mom used to work at a cafe that serves the best french toast sticks in the states, so she has the recipe. ¨So Leah what are you doing today¨ asked my mom.

¨Timothy and I are supposed to get together today to finish our project¨ I said. 

¨You guys need to do it here then¨ said my mom.

¨Why do you guys always have to be so strict? I'm finally making friends and you guys are now being weird about it¨ I said. 

¨ We are happy for you, we just want you to be smart. We also haven't met his parents and we would do this for anyone¨ my mom said.  I didn't even say anything back. We all sat around the table quietly. 

It was a couple hours later when Timothy finally texted. His text read…

Do you want to get together at noon?

Yes, can we meet at my house?  I responded back. 

Yes, I will be there in a little while. 

Timothy finally got to my house and I introduced him to my parents. They seemed to really like him and think he is a good guy. We went downstairs and sat down on the couch. The first part was on our computer. We were sitting right next to each other and he was trying to put his arm around me. Isn't this a little too soon, We've only just met yesterday I was thinking. I didn't stop him. 

It was about an hour later when we moved down to the floor. We were at the part of the project that involved putting all of our information on a poster board. As I grabbed my colorful pencil pouch from my backpack and my assortment of pens, he playfully hit the side of my arm ¨You're one of those girls who have pretty notes¨ he said. I nodded and smiled.  

An hour went by and we finally finished our whole project. We packed up all of my pens and pencils and we headed down the stairs. I walked him out to his car to help him put the poster board in. Before the door of his car closed for him to take off home he blurted ¨I really enjoyed today, we should get together soon¨ 

¨I would really like that¨ I said back as my cheeks turned bright red. Before I knew it his car was off and into the distance down the long road. As I was walking up the steep driveway, my nose was overwhelmed by a strong smell of pizza cooked to where the crust was extra crispy on the verge of being burnt. Just the way my family loved it. I sat down at the table and devoured my plate. My parents of course asked how my day was. I always reply with ¨Just the same as yesterday¨ I ran upstairs to get ready for bed and relax and watch some television before a new day started. 

It was a couple days later and Timothy and I have been talking more in class. We have gotten to know each other and everytime I think of him I can't help but smile. He planned for us to go bowling together tonight. As friends obviously, at least that's what I told my parents. I never had time to get my license before I moved, so he was picking me up. He is the guy anyways. The school day went by like it was the whole school year, probably because I couldn´t stop thinking about tonight and what I was going to wear, how I was going to do my hair. Should I wear it straightened or curled? All the thoughts rushed through my mind. Finally the last bell of the day rang and I sprinted out of the school like my life depended on it. 

My curling iron was busy reaching the high temperature, while I was busy doing my makeup.  Clothes were flying out of my closet with hangers falling on the floor. My mind was racing in so many directions trying to figure out what style I was going for. Finally I threw on my new dress I got from my best friend as my going away present. Perfect I said in my head. I was all ready to go. 

We made it to the bowling alley and we got our shoes on. He had on his short khaki shorts and a nice royal blue collared shirt on. I wasn't very good at bowling and he picked up on that my first bowl. I've never laughed so much when I am with someone. We played one full game and then we walked over to the bar area to order some food. We were sitting at a two person high top. He grabbed the chair for me and I smiled while my face turned as red as a tomato. We talked the whole dinner and that's when he put his hand on my hand. Words came out of his mouth that I never thought I would hear from someone ¨Will you be my girlfriend?¨ I paused for a second. My eyes grew 4 sizes bigger. He looked at me and I looked back at him. 

¨Yes of course¨ I said. We both smiled and he wrapped his hands around me. He smelled of strong cologne, but I loved it. 

He drove me home and as we pulled into my driveway and came to a stop I looked at him to say bye before stepping out of the vehicle. I didn't get a chance to before he grabbed me and went in for a kiss. It all happened so fast. I knew from that second I was the happiest girl ever and found the guy I wanted to be with. 

As I was walking in to the door I knew I couldn't tell my parents what happened. They would think it was all too soon. I have only known this guys for a week, but I knew I wouldn't want it to happen any other way. When I am with him everything feels easy, and life seems like there are no struggles. I am happy. I couldn't get the smile off my face. I have a secret I need to keep from my parents for at least a couple weeks. Maybe moving to a new school isn't too bad after all.

The author's comments:

I decided to write this piece because personally I have never experienced moving away from your hometown or having to start new at a new school, but sometimes I wonder what it truly is like for someone to have to go through such change. I thought that writing about it would give me some understanding because i had to come up with the way the main character feels and exactly what she goes through to find friends and make ner new home feel like home. 

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