Heart of Christmas | Teen Ink

Heart of Christmas

December 16, 2022
By MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heart of Christmas

By: Dylan Thomas

Every Christmas family comes to our house and celebrates Christmas with us. 

But this year is different. My mom lost her job because of Covid so we are working on selling our house; unfortunately, this means we will not have Christmas at our house this year and instead, my aunt will host. . I don’t mind going to my aunt’s but it’s just not the same as other years, so it’s a little bit of a struggle.

My brother and I talk about it and feel the same; we both are gonna miss having Christmas at our house. 

It’s a couple days before Christmas now.  We were supposed to leave two days ago to my aunt’s but my mom has been really busy so we are leaving later tonight. Nothing feels right this year. My mom did not have time or money to buy gifts so my brother and I decide to make some cards for everyone. Not the best way to spend our days, and not exactly what we would have given them,but we enjoyed it and we think everyone will like what we made them.  I still feel bad because my aunt always gets us the best gifts.


We finally are getting ready and my mom is very stressed cause she has not told anyone about the finance situation. When we get to my aunt's house we unpack and say hi to everyone and me and my brother went to hangout with our cousins while dinner is still being made.

My mom and aunt talked. “We aren’t doing the best financially and need help; there are problems with my job and money issues and I don’t want the kids to lose anything, and we might have to lose our house if I don’t get things together.” 

My aunt said, “Okay I understand I would love to help you so much you can work at my new store near your house.” 

My mom was so grateful. “Thank you so much I don’t know where I would be without you.”

When we get called downstairs, my mom looked very happy for some reason--turns out my aunt gave my mom a chance to work at one of her company locations near our house so it was perfect for us and now we might be able to keep our house. If my mom would have never told anyone, we would still be struggling. 

After Christmas we leave and say goodbye to everyone and the vibe on the car ride home was the best it's been in a while and I think our life was fixed and we don't need to struggle anymore.             

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