Best Friends | Teen Ink

Best Friends

December 16, 2022
By Anonymous



There was a little girl named Grace and a little boy named John. They were 2 years old.they would  always go to the park with their mom. They eventually started talking to each other and playing with each other.every time they had to go back home they would ask their mom to stay for more time even if it was getting dark.they eventually grew older they were 10 years old one day john went over to grace's house to ask her if she wanted to go play and then he saw that she was packing up he asked what was happening she responded with “we’re moving to new york ”John just stood there in disbelief.he told her not to move that she was his best friend she said she couldn’t stay that her mom was making her john went home crying.

  A week later he went say goodbye he gave her a hug and than they left he could stop crying they would sent messages to each other for the first couple of months than after a while she would stop sending messages she would say sorry for not answering I’m busy and other things he kept writing to her but she stopped.After a while he also stopped because she didn’t respond to any of his messages. He thought about her all the time.after 6 years grace came back but she didn’t tell John she was back until one day johns mom told him that she saw her hanging out with someone friends he was so happy that she was back but he was also confused he thought if she was back why didn’t she contact him the next day he went go her old house and when he knocked grace answers.


  He looked at her and she looked like a completely different person. He talked to her and asked her how long have you been here . She answered for like a month he was sad and mad at the same time because why didn’t she tell him and why did she stop sending him messages he had so many questions.before he could ask more questions she told him that she was having some friends over and if he could leave and come back another day.when she said that he was very hurt so he went back home about an hour later he went back to ask her the questions he needed to say because he was hurt. When he saw the house he saw that she was having a party he went in looking for her and he dragged her to talk to in private he was so mad he asked her why didn’t you invite me to the party,why did you not tell me you were here, why didn’t you message me back he said with the angriest voice.

She answered and said “look I grew up I got new friends you got new friends we were kids having fun now I don’t have time to go play with you I’m sorry ” John then left her house in anger. He went to sleep wondering what he did wrong or if she just didn’t like him? When he woke up he asked his mom why they left in the first place and John’s mom thought it was for Grace,mom's work.he just wondered.After a while he just started to forget about it and started moving on with his own life he would see her at school but she was always with her friends and he was with his about eight months later john started getting very sick  sometimes he could get up to get a glass of water because he was in so much pain.His mom took him to the doctor and told them that he had about a year left to live they were both very miserable. They told everyone including Grace.


Grace then went over to the hospital where John was staying. She went to go hug him crying.John then asked what she was doing here. Grace said she heard what happened as  said she was sorry for everything she did she said that it was her mom that the reason they moved was because  Grace mom didn’t want Grace to hang out with John anymore because when Grace mom was younger her and John mom were friends and that they were best friends but that John mom had done something terrible and blamed it on Gracias mom.And that John could do the same and that she didn’t want anything bad to happen to Grace. John said that he would never do that and they agreed to become friends again. Over the next year Grace would come to the hospital every day after school to see John and that on the weekends she would ed getting very stay with him all day they would go on a walk and play some game on the last couple of weeks he startick and they would let Grace in to see John most of the the time.Grace started to get really worried.On the last week that he had left she would try to stay with him as much as possible she would pray that he would get better but it was getting worse.

A couple days later john passed away.Grace was very upset because she felt bad for what she did to him she had a lot of thoughts running through her head. After the funeral she cried so much she stayed at his grave almost every day.

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