The stalker | Teen Ink

The stalker

December 15, 2022
By Anonymous

It all started one early morning when Jeremiah was at home on his day off. Jeremiah was cooking breakfast for his girlfriend Lexi  who was still asleep. He got a knock on his door, which surprised him because it was 8AM. He went to go open the door but checked the peephole which had a finger over it. 

Jeremiah was a little freaked out but forgot about it and moved on with his day.

The encounter left Jeremiah a little on edge over the next few days. He realized he felt something eerie, almost like the feeling of someone watching him, whenever he left his home. 


Lexi called Jeremiah around his break time, like she usually did. She worked from home now and called way more often. Jeremiah didn’t usually mind her calls. Today, however, when Jeremiah answered, Lexi can tell something’s off in his voice. 

“Is everything okay? Your voice is really shaky,” Lexi says. 

“I'm fine, I've just had a weird feeling all day. Can we talk about it when I'm home? I gotta get back to work,” says Jeremiah. 

A silence filled the air. He knew Lexi wasn’t happy with that answer, but he really didn’t want to talk about it right then, or while he was at work. It irritated him a little that she was being pushy. 

“I guess. Are you going to actually tell me, though?” Lexi asked. 

“Yeah, Lex. I’ve gotta go though, I’m at work,” Jeremiah said. 

“Fine,” Lexi said, and hung up. 

He grew even more irritated and tried to push it away. Something nagged at the back of his mind, though, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. 


Lexi had been home all morning, like usual; she liked her job and mostly liked working from home, but sometimes she felt uncomfortable being home alone. Like when she was a kid and always felt like someone was going to break in or something. 

She is working and gets a call from a strange number a few minutes after she got off of the phone with jeremiah, the number read “360-882-8282”. Lexi didnt answer the phone until the number called back again. She ignores it and gets back to work, shortly after her phone stops ringing Lexi hears a quiet knock on the front door. Lexi slowly gets up to go answer the door with a weird chill going down her spine.  

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