A Hissing Cousin | Teen Ink

A Hissing Cousin

December 15, 2022
By Anonymous

It was a sunny, Monday morning and the wind was whistling and leaves were swirling. April Jones was in her room watching tv at home. April is the oldest cousin in the Jones family and her younger cousin Mary Jones is the second oldest, their relationship is bad. They generally tolerate each other, they don’t have a real connection with one another. April doesn’t necessarily care for Mary, April is calm and collected and Mary is annoying and fake. Mary came to April’s house that Monday because April’s mother, Mrs. Jones was cooking for their whole family. Mary walked into April’s room and distributed her peace with the comment, “Hey, ugly whatcha doing” and April responded with the clever comment, “Watching tv stupid”. As the word stupid came out of April’s mouth her mother walked to the entrance of her door. She asked, “And who’s stupid April?” and April responded with, “Nobody”. As you can see, this is why April doesn’t care for Mary because she is always getting her in some kind of trouble. After that, Mrs. Jones asked April, “And why didn’t you invite Mary to come to sit down by you?” April responded and said, “Momma she literally just walked in here.” Mrs. Jones respond and said, “ I don’t care, and since you have an attitude give me your phone.” As April hands her phone to her mother, Mary starts to giggle which makes April extremely angry. April’s cousin Mary is like a slithering snake, which makes her sick. All the comments that hiss out of Mary’s mouth are a lie. Mary loves to start messes and create confusion within April’s family. Like the situation that just happened in her room. It’s like Mary has no spine or limbs, no care in her body at all, but she claims she loves her family. Mary’s scaly skin sheds when she gets around certain people in her and April’s family, but April knows the real. Mary is fake and unpleasant behind closed doors, but ostentatious in the front of the room. She will only tolerate Mary when she has to be around the rest of her family. Otherwise, she will not entertain or spend time with Mary which is the solution to her problem. At the end of the day, April and Mary are blood cousins and she respects that, but April could care less about their relationship with one another.

The author's comments:

This is a short story about a fake cousin. This is a realistic relationship between two cousins that have a bad relationship with each other. 

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