The Old Man | Teen Ink

The Old Man

December 14, 2022
By Gragthedefiler02 BRONZE, Vidalia, Georgia
Gragthedefiler02 BRONZE, Vidalia, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The Old Man

It was a calm frivolous evening. A warm breeze blew across the stiff autumn trees. Sitting in my boat, I realized how beautiful the lake was this time around. It brought back old memories from when I was a little boy, and I used to come here with him to fish. In this lake we caught many fish of different species and breeds, but that was never the exciting part of the trip, the best part was the fact that I was spending time with him.After these thoughts I woke up, realizing where I am. That dream was an old faded memory of years past. And this memory of happiness and joy quickly faded to  mourning, mourning because I lost him. He sadly passed away at the age of 67. I truly loved that man. He was my role model, I did everything just like he did. When he was in high school I dreamt of the day that I would go play college football like he did at Georgia Southern all those years ago. But I never got the chance to, my knee blew out in the last game of the season, and I had already signed to go to GSU. After that I didn't know  what to do. But he did. He got me a well paying job and helped for the problems I began to take with me through life. It hurt inside,to know that I would never be able to play the sport I truly wanted to play. Soon, after years had gone by, he entrusted me with his company. After his retirement, we seemed to have more time together for some strange reason. We went to countless Georgia Bulldogs and Georgia Southern games, sometimes on the same day. We went hunting quite frequently, hunting for a variety of different mammals and birds. We spent every Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving together. This man is the best thing that happened to me in my life. If it were not for him I would not be here today. That is why I love my father. I love my father from the bottom of my heart. But the most memorable memory I have of my father is the story I told you in the beginning of this letter that I have written to him. The one that I keep in my heart and never forget.

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