Gloomy yet Beautiful | Teen Ink

Gloomy yet Beautiful

November 6, 2022
By Anonymous

     I like sad gloomy weather. Sunny and bright is too much, but I can accept sunny and rainy weather. Today is a sad gloomy day. The perfect kind. I lay in bed as I stare at the bland beige ceiling and the window, with light peeking through the folds of the blinds. Not too much light, but just enough. I reach my hand out and open the blinds. The sky is gray with dirty clouds, and I can tell rain is coming soon. I don’t bother to look at the time, I just lay there. I sink into the mattress and curl up in my mess of blankets. My mind feels murky and gray, just like the sky today. I haven’t really woken up yet.

     I lay in my bed for an indefinite amount of time. I hear a pitter-patter from outside. Then there’s a sound of a million grains of rice hitting the ground. It’s starting to rain, just as I predicted. This finally gets me out of bed. I roll out of bed and hastily put on my slippers, and I rush down the stairs and swing open the front door. It’s an absolute downpour. Everything looks gray, yet so beautiful at the same time. The rain glistens as the light hits it, the puddles ripple as each drop comes down, and the dark green leaves of the trees sway in delight. I run out, pajamas and all, and lay down on the driveway. The rain soaks me as I watch each strand of water fall down on me. I close my eyes and lay there for an indefinite amount of time.

The author's comments:

In this set piece, I wanted to create a mood of a gloomy yet beautiful day. I set the mood at the start of the set piece and created a character who enjoys sad and gloomy days. I used imagery to create a mental picture of the scenery, which is mostly seen at the end of the set piece. In two sentences at the middle and end, I repeat the phrase “for an indefinite amount of time” at the end of the sentences to bring a sense of closure.

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