Something Unexpected | Teen Ink

Something Unexpected

November 4, 2022
By HanaaMohamed BRONZE, Cupertino, California
HanaaMohamed BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He jumps out of the window. Pieces of glass stuck in his scalp. Scrapes and cuts covering his body. Every inch stinging with pain. Blood filled with fear and shock gushes down his body. His eyes wander towards the bus he’s just escaped. On its side, surrounded by glass, it is overlooked by an entire village. Shook, his teeth chatter, and his vision blurs. His mind drifts off, thoughts filling his head. Is this really happening? He thinks to himself, trapped in reality. 

Screams of desperate people cry for help. Hearing whistles endlessly ringing in his ears, he limps towards them. Helplessly lying on the red dirt road, a woman with long black hair, and piercing brown eyes struggles to get out the word, “water”. 

He hurries to get the bottles of water lying on the side of other villagers. Rushing back, the woman is gasping. As she takes a sip, the water drips out of her body through her neck. The boy trembles, tears falling down his face as he looks at her neck and sees it cut open. He winces. His chest tightens, as his heartbeat escalates quickly. When he opens his eyes, he looks at the woman lying on the ground with her eyes closed, and chest still. 

He struggles to swallow the guilt dripping down his throat. Turning away from the woman, he feels every nerve of his body on the verge of shattering. He takes his bus ticket out of his pocket, “Seat 2B” is written in black ink. The same seat the woman was sitting in. 

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