The Winter’s Spruce Forest | Teen Ink

The Winter’s Spruce Forest

October 21, 2022
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

The Winter's Spruce Forest

        The evergreen trees swayed in the wind while the trunks stayed sturdy and strong. The tips of the pines, white from the snow, falling slowly off as if it were snowing. Reddish brown Bark on the trunks of the trees peeled off in certain places revealing the soft innards. A light layer of snow covered the natural ground, leaving it a mix of colors ranging from green, to white, to brown. Many birds were hopping around tree to tree and each time one of their claws landed down the branch would bend just a bit. Sometimes if you were lucky you could find pine cones laying on the forest floor from the trees, if the children hadn't taken them first. Bushes and moss surrounded the base of most of the trees as well as bushes that grew berries that were known to kill. Cutting the forest in two was a vast, gushing river traveling so far you couldn’t see the end. Blackish gray rocks marked the boundary of the river and all who challenged the boundary would find themselves being swept away in the rushing waters. In some areas bold animals would be standing near the edge whether it be to drink or hunt for fish. In certain spots, rocks jutted out of the river always in sharp points. At some points of the rocks you could see plastic rings hanging on for dear life. Near the center of the river there was a bridge made from sticks and stones to let people cross over, but where there are people there are problems. Cans and bottles of all sorts laid along the ground as glass blended in with the snow cutting at poor creatures feet and  plastic flew through the wind getting caught on the branches of trees. Paths of dirt and rocks lined most of the forest floor with hundreds of prints as people walked all over. In the distance there was a road not too far from the forest, on such roads car horns could be heard for miles, scaring away most of the life in the forest. The tips of the forest that dared get too close to civilization were just dead stumps and fallen logs. Some bits were even burned to ashes. But when one looked up one could see the sun shining its rays into the openings through the pines slowly melting the snow.

The author's comments:

This is a vignette type piece that is ultra specific on details. It’s a story about a beautiful forest that is slowly being taken over by humanity. 

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