The Ball Game | Teen Ink

The Ball Game

October 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Jimmy and his family are getting ready for the game. They all get their red shirts on and head out the door. They were almost late but they made it to the stadium just on time. With five minutes to spare, they go to turn their tickets in but they realize they only had four tickets and five people. The man didn't check anyways and passed everyone so they all rushed to find their seats. When they arrive, they remember that they didn't have all five tickets and there were only 4 seats. But that didn't matter to Bill; he decided he would just stand. The Chiefs did not start out good, they were actually down three scores and it wasn't even the second half yet. 

The fans were very upset with how the game started and many were booing in the stands. Jimmy was watching the game and he heard an older voice behind him say “Hey where is your ticket?” Jimmy responded, “We have them, I just can't sit because someone took our seats,” the older man just shook his head and looked away. Jimmy got up to use the restroom and grab drinks and when he got back the old man made another comment. “Maybe if you wanted to go so bad you would just pay like the rest of us,” Jimmy turned around and flashed his ticket at the old man. The old man's family began making comments about how Jimmy should not be there and discarded the fact that he had his ticket. Jimmy ignored them and went back to watching the game. The Chiefs began their comeback and scored a touchdown the crowd cheered loud shaking the stadium. Jimmy and his family began celebrating and Jimmy looked behind him and saw the man talking to a Raiders fan and then the fan looked at Jimmy and threw his plastic cup splashing his drink everywhere.

Jimmy, very upset, stood up and grabbed his friend's drink and threw it at the old man and his new friend. A fight broke out and Jimmy and the old man were arguing loudly and everyone around took their attention away from the game. The old man yelled, “Its really funny to me that you have 5 tickets and only 4 seats.” The small section of the stadium got quiet and nobody even acknowledged that the Chiefs scored another touchdown and they were only down one score. Security came running down the stairs “What's the problem down here?” asked one of the security guards. Jimmy started to speak first “I was just…” Before he could finish the old man cut him off “These people think they can get in here for FREE!” screamed the old man. The guard responded in a calm voice, “Please calm down sir, I promise nobody is getting in here free now are we gonna have anymore problems or can we all get back to the game?” The old man just let out a grunt and ducked his head. Jimmy went back to the game and took his attention off the group of people. The Chiefs were driving down the field and were only down a field goal with 6 minutes left. 

One play after another and they got closer and closer before finally scoring the game winning touchdown. Everyone cheered and the stadium was the loudest of the night. Jimmy felt a tap on his shoulder and when he turned around he was shocked to see the old man. “I am really sorry for how I acted today. I should've just let you guys enjoy the game,” said the old man in a soft voice. “It is okay they won, that's all that matters” said Jimmy, the old man nodded his head and shook Jimmy’s hand before leaving the stadium. Jimmy and his family went home and surprisingly it seemed like everyone forgot what happened at the game and the exciting ending almost made Jimmy forget what happened. Jimmy woke up the next morning and started watching the news to start out his day. Everything seemed normal until he realized he saw a familiar face on the news. It was the old man and it was him throwing his drink all over Jimmy. The news followed up the video with saying the old man's season tickets were canceled for his actions. Jimmy laughed and finished eating his breakfast and watching the news.

The author's comments:

The Ball Game was based off of true events but some is fictional.

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