The slap | Teen Ink

The slap

September 20, 2022
By fh0347235 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
fh0347235 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a small town in the woods, there is an issue between two children that the others consider from the dawn of time. This issue is how one of the students Martin has been bullying the other child named Johnathan since the day they met.

Back to the present day, this issue continues the only difference is now they are seniors in high school, and everybody has names for both for Johnathan it’s the gentle colossal and for Martin, its Menace just for how much he bullies Johnathan and nobody knows why and how this conflict started but some compare their size to David & Goliath. The only difference is that Johnathan was not trying to fight Martin, and he was too shy to say anything, and Martin took advantage of that so whenever another kid was to report the bullying to the teachers both Martin and Johnathan would deny it and Martin would continue the bullying and nobody could stop them.

One Morning that Martin decided to pull down Johnathan’s pants at lunch time so everybody could laugh at him, he believed this was a good idea but how wrong he was after the accident that day. Later that day lunchtime came around as the teacher talked about being more worry cause it’s around the time bears are being spotted as the teacher finished talking and walked away, Martin gazed at Johnathan and got ready to do the prank and as Johnathan got out of the lunch line and starts walking to a table Martin would sneak so quietly that he could be compared to a mouse and as soon as he got behind him, he would pull down his pants and all that was heard was the laughing of everyone who thought it was hilarious. As Martin turned to look at Johnathan all he saw was fire exiting he’s eyes and steam leaving his head and as everyone was watching all they could hear was the smack and the thunder sound that followed. As Martin is lying on the floor what seemed to him was unconscious and as everyone saw what just happened there was only silence that was so quite you could hear crickets chirping outside. After coming back to his senses and realizing what he just did Johnathan panicked that he hurt Martin and yelled for help as a teacher calls for 911 another teacher asked Johnathan what happened and as Johnathan explained what happened there the medics appeared to take Martin to the hospital Johnathan started to panic thinking that he seriously hurt Martin and he didn’t want that to happen to him, but something inside of him thought differently he was happy to finally be able to give Martin the payback he deserved but he believed the feeling was wrong. As he walked home there was a police officer at his house and with him is his mom and dad, then the dad started saying “Son we half to talk”.

After they finished talking the parents found out that their son has been bullied for a long time, and the only reason why they have never been informed about it is that Johnathan just stayed quiet about the events that kept happening and the parents came up with an idea whenever he gets bullied again he would use the design as a way to inform the teachers that he was being bullied the design was ∞, but he didn’t want to do that he believed “Why should I victimized myself again If I’m now understanding what strength I hold and I should finally use it to defend myself.” This thought kept running around his mind thinking this was the best solution for him to finally stand up to himself ought knowing he would later turn into the thing he swore he would never become.

The following day as he went inside the school, he noticed that all the kids looked at him with terror and fear after seeing what had happened to Martin the only person who didn’t seem to fear Johnathan was Martin himself in his face all you could see was the anger boiling up inside thinking “How could I be humiliated like that by someone who has never been violent before.” Then Martin started to think “He is colossal in size so I’m certain there’s no way of him catching me,” he started storming ideas about what he could do and then it hit him like a home run he was going to take his phone and run away and deny it happening and there would be no proof since the only witness would be Johnathan and himself he believed for it to be full proof except he forgot to think what would happen if Jonathan would be violent again? At the end of school, Martin stalked Johnathan as soon as they left and were away from anyone for around two blocks Martin started to dash at Johnathan and with ought Johnathan realized Martin snatched his phone and was running away and started thinking “that fool will never catch up to me.” Then with what could only be considered a stamped Martin saw Johnathan chasing him at full speed and at that moment, he realized his plan backfired and now he was being chased by a man that could make a bear seem small. As Martin kept running from Johnathan, he just kept having the same thought “this was stupid I should have left him alone” as he was thinking that he started to notice a shadow getting bigger and bigger until Johnathan caught him and dropped to the ground. As they both wheezed like they just ran a marathon Johnathan finally caught his breath and started saying “This could have all been avoided if you just left me alone.” As he finished that with ought even thinking all Johnathan saw was his hand smacking Martin with so much strength it looked like he was about to be decapitated. After that smack all that Johnathan thought was “oh no I did it again” realizing what he had done again he decided to run home and not talk about it with anyone. A week went by, and Martin was said to have a fractured jaw and his left ear ruptured police after a week of investigating they ended up finding nothing so they decided to just call it a bear attack cause no man could have that amount of force in a smack or punch to cause that type of damage and they didn’t suspect Johnathan because he was known as the peaceful colossal and he would never harm anyone so he was off the perpetrator list. That didn’t change what Johnathan was feeling as he believed he was thrilled but also feeling ashamed for what he did he believed it would stop the bullying but he ended up hurting people just like a bully, thinking all this Johnathan started having an anxiety attack and he couldn’t do anything but cry cause he knows he did bad but it's to a person who did bad to him and he couldn’t stop these mix feeling from inside after he finally stopped crying he decided to do the right thing. As he started arriving at the police station he started talking and explaining to the cops that he was the one who hurt Martin and the police in disbelief it was him started laughing but to prove it was him he got the phone book they had and said “watch this’ and with strength, only Hercules could rival he tore the book right in half. As the police officers saw that they started debating about what to do with him they had an idea as soon as Martin got discharged from the hospital Johnathan and Martin both ended up being in a jail cell together for 4 months. During this entire time, they finally talked about why Martin hated Johnathan so much but to his surprise, Martin said, “I don’t hate you Johnathan” and started explaining why he was bullying him. He said when he started school, he always felt small, and his parents told him don’t let height intimidate him if he ever got in trouble beat up the biggest person there that’s what started the century-long debate between them and since Johnathan never said anything he just keeps going.

After their 4 months sentence, they finally stopped fighting and started talking more with each other and no fighting happened anymore and that was the final clash between what others would call David & Goliath

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