Exit To The Real World | Teen Ink

Exit To The Real World

September 12, 2022
By Rolando BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Rolando BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Two guys named Joseph and George had been interested in many documentaries of Area 51 and the secrets that are hidden there. They were so interested that they wanted answers about what goes on. Joseph got in contact with a professor who was allowed in there. The professor, Rick Owens, told them that he could say so much before they came after him. George completely ignored that and peered pressured Rick into telling him everything. After they had some info about the inside they needed to know about the outside so Joseph looked up info on the outside. What he had found amazed him; it was an area guarded heavily 24/7. Both of them had come to an agreement of going there and storming the place. Even with that much confidence they knew both of them could not take an entire army by themselves. George said that they should get a couple hundred people into it so they had a bigger chance of going in there. Posting on social media and posting posters around the city word quickly spread and many people were on board. In less than 4 hours 2000 people were ready to go in. The people knew that they could lose their lives but that did not scare them. For the people in Area 51 it was a normal day since no phones were allowed nobody had any idea of what was coming at them. Twelve pm lunch time and rotation for the soldiers guarding. Joseph, George and the 2000 people knew it was time for the attack. Out of nowhere shots started going off  soldiers started dropping to the ground wounded or dead. Everyone went into positions, the soldier started shooting back at the small army Joseph and George had created. In a total of 40 minutes surprisingly the soldiers had been killed except for a few that had hidden to radio in back up. At that moment the remaining army of Joseph and George started storming into Area 51. Everyone felt proud of themselves but at the same time they were alert of soldiers popping out of nowhere. George looked for Joseph all over the place, but could not find him. One of George's friends found a body that looked very similar to Joseph. George came running to see if it was actually him. After looking at the body, noises could be heard over the long roads. It sounded like trucks and helicopters. At that moment everyone went to cover and get ready for the second round of fighting off the soldiers. What they did not expect was that the soldiers were better trained and better equipped than the ones that were already there. Shoots could be heard all over the place, machine guns, grenades and shouting by both sides. Hearing this George went to run inside of the closest building. Inside that building it was filled with tubes with bodies and name tags inside of it. Confused and frightened George started to look around it is looking for something that could help him defeat the soldiers in the war. One particular tube caught his attention because it had a name on it that sounded familiar, Rick Owens, but he could not remember. After standing there for a couple of seconds he finally remembered the science professor. The professor told George that this could have happened if he talked too much but George did not care. He ran out the building, but he did not see any of his men, only soldiers rushing in. He ran until he saw an odd door hidden deep down a building. Running towards the door he opened it and saw a man standing there. George thought to himself who this man was because he had a white coat on and no tactical gear. He started screaming at the man who he was. The man smiling looked at him and told him he was a world-renowned scientist in charge of all science in Area 51. The scientist told George he knew this was going to happen. He was just waiting for the man strong and desperate enough to storm in looking for answers. A red button was inside a white section of the room distanced from anything else and inside a big glass container. The scientist told George to go press the button and it will answer all his questions. Because he did not have any other option he went and put his hand over the button. George started doubting himself because he did not think he would make it this far. At that moment soldiers swung the door open and started shouting for everyone to get on the ground. George did not listen and pressed the button. He closed his eyes as he did it because he did not want to see what happened. After what felt like a long time, he opened his eyes and saw nothing. George was puzzled and went to open the door. His mind was shocked at what he saw, and his jaw dropped completely. Not a single sound could be heard and the big messed up Area 51 was non-existent. The only thing in sight was trees and grass. Thinking to himself of what could have happened a sound was heard from a nearby tree. When he went to check it out, he saw a man that looked like a monkey looking at him weirdly. At that moment George realized what he had done. He had removed every living organism from earth and restarted the simulation of humankind.

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teenager in texas

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