The Snake | Teen Ink

The Snake

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Lily lies in bed as she dreads going to school. She finally gets up and calls jake. “Hey you still coming to pick me up?” she said. “Duh girl of course I’m almost at your house,” Jake said. While gathering her stuff she receives a message from Jake saying that he's here. Lily walks out of her house to his car.She gets in and Jake eagerly asks her “So are you going to the dance this friday?” . “Ehh I dont know yet. You know I'm not really into those things, and plus I don't have a date” said Lily. “I could be your date,” Jake said. Lily paused and looked at him with a perplexed face before she said “Uhh I mean yeah I guess why?”. “Just a question,” he said. Jake turned to look out the window as he smiled and blushed. Jake started driving and then they finally arrived at Hawkins high school. Lily and Jake start walking to their first class “Oh look there's Mallory. I’ll catch you later JJ,” she said. As Lily makes eye contact with Mallory she quickly looks away and speed walks the other way. “Um, well that was weird,'' Lily said. Lily sits down in her first class next to mary. “ Hey girl, do you know what's up with Mallory today; she was acting hella weird this morning when I saw her, '' Lily said. Mary’s face turned as pale as a ghost. She sat in silence for about a minute. Mary took a deep breath and said “Lily, I have something to tell you”. Mary paused for a second before Lily said “Mary, you better talk now before I get mad”. “Okay so people have been saying you and Jake slept together” Mary said in a shaky voice. “Are you serious?'' Lily said in a serious town. After the period was over lily stormed out of class and a group of girls stopped her, and one of them said “Hey lily is it true that you and jake actually slept together?” all the girls chuckled while they waited for Lily to answer. Lily's blood started to boil like she was about to explode. “I don't know who you heard that from, but it isn’t true,” Lily said. “Mm i don't know it seems pretty accurate i mean why else would you spend so much time together” the girl snickered. Lily was so angry she shoved the girl and stormed to her next class. During second period lily was asking people who they got the rumor from. Nobody knew who had started the rumor expect one girl. She was often very quiet and had long dark silky hair with blue eyes. “Lily i know who started the rumor… it was mallory. I heard her talking to someone during 7th period the other day. She said she was jealous of how close you and jake are. She said she was going to start a rumor to come in between y'all” the girl said. Lily was stunned; she couldn't even think or know what to say to her. She couldn't believe that the one person she could count on, the one person she could call her sister turned her back on her. She felt sick to her stomach. She felt like she wanted to vomit. For the rest of class she couldn't focus. A couple periods go by and it's almost lunch time. Lily decides that she's going to confront Mallory during lunch. The bell finally rang and mallory eagerly jumped out of her seat and rushed to the cafeteria. She spots mallory from a mile away and speed walks towards her. As soon as she gets to her she aggressively grabs her arm to turn her around and said “So is it true that you’ve been spreading rumors around saying that me and Jake slept together?” lily grunted. Mallory instantly froze and went silent for what felt like an eternity. In a frantic tone she said “What? No what are you talki-” lily felt her insides burning up her hands were sweating and her face turned red she interrupted her and said “Why the hell are you lying to me you backstabbing snake” lily screamed. “Okay and if i have it’s not like you are going to do anything about it” mallory said in a poised tone. Lily blacked out and shoved mallory onto the floor and starts beating her face into the ground. Mallory tried to push Lily off of her but she couldnt it felt like she was trying to fight off an enraged lion. Jake sees this happening and instantly sprints towards them and quickly pulls Lily off of Mallory. He takes her outside. “Lily, what were you thinking? What happened? Jake said in a worried voice. “Well she was spreading rumors about me…Well about us” she said. “What?” he said with a perplexed look. “Well she was going around telling everyone that we slept together because she was jealous of how close we are,” she said. “Lily, you shouldn’t care about what other people think or say, you are way too beautiful for that. You know she tried kissing me yesterday?” he said. “What? Why would she do that if she's dating Mauricio,``Lily said. “Yeah I didn’t expect that from her. It was yesterday after school when I was waiting for you in my truck. She was standing outside my window talking about her boyfriend, and she started getting closer to me until she was just inches from my face. I started to back away when she quickly pressed her lips against mine. I immediately shoved her away and asked her what the hell she was doing, ``Jake said. “ Oh my gosh I can't believe she would do that. I don’t understand her reasoning behind that when her boyfriend treats her amazing, ``Lily said. “Yeah I don't get it either,” Jake said. “Did you tell Mauricio about it?” Lily asked. “Yeah, I told him this morning during first period. He said he was going to break up with her today.” Jake said. “Well too bad, so sad that's what she gets for being a snake and trying to come in between us” lily said. Lily and Jake go on about their day at school. Mallory's boyfriend ends up breaking up with her. After the day is over Jake can tell Lily is down after everything that happened and he comforts her. He confesses his love for her and they decide to be together.

The author's comments:

I'm a Junior at Pasadena Memorial

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