Gardening | Teen Ink


June 10, 2022
By Anonymous

I’ve been gardening all day.  It’s hard but my mom likes to do it with me, gardening is her favorite hobby.  It’s sometimes relaxing but I’d rather play video games or watch tv, that’s my favorite thing to do.  After all, I am 11 years old and I think I’m growing up well, at least my mom says I am.  My mom went to lay down to go take a break so I’m planting the last tree by myself.  I use all my might to shovel out dirt.  I dig and dig, and finally *Clink*.  “What’s this?” I say out loud.  It’s a shiny metal box... Well, it’s covered in dirt but I can tell itś supposed to be shiny.  I pull the heavy box out and try my best to pry it open.  I know Iḿ strong, my mom always tells me that I am.  I can do this. After lots of clanking and banging the box finally opened.  I wonder what it's going to be.  I look inside and see tons of things.  Pictures of animals and people, shiny jewelry, letters, and cards, there's is so much.  I go inside and try to get my mom ¨Mom Mom come here, look what I found!” I say excitedly.  She stares inside the box filled with all the things.  She looks at me and starts to tear up.  “Those are all... Memories..” She said to me with a shaky voice.  “What do you mean?” I ask enthusiastically.  “From when I was younger, y’know me and your father have lived in this house for a while..” She paused and sniffled as tears ran down her face. 

“These things are all from him... I buried them because ever since he… left us, I buried them.” She said to me.  “What do you mean by left us?” I say puzzled.  I don’t really know anything about my father, but I do know my mom really loved him and she always has a smile when she tells me “I’m just like dad.” 

“Honey... We’ll talk about this another day... Okay?

“Okay,” I said.  She put the box back in the hole I pulled it from and we buried it together.

The author's comments:

Just a little story I came up with.

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