The First Sighting | Teen Ink

The First Sighting

June 1, 2022
By RACECAR2 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
RACECAR2 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When he first saw her, she took his breath away. He was lost for words. She walked past him and slightly side eyed him as he just stared. Part of him wanted to jump in front of her and share a decent conversation but the other part of him, the part that won, was lost entirely for words and even if she approached him, he would completely forget how to communicate properly. This was love. Love is hypnotizing. Love is blinding. But love is also full of opportunity. There, as he watched her go, something happened that gave him a flicker of hope, something that gave him life and a bolt of love zigzagging through his body. It made his fingertips tingle and his heart start pounding so fast like its life depended on it. This one thing was that with passing him, not thinking she noticed him, she looked back at him. They locked eyes. Her cheeks formed a light layer of red. She smiled.

The author's comments:

This piece focuses on a moment of love and how powerful it can be in just a small moment. 

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