A Plant with a Twist | Teen Ink

A Plant with a Twist

June 1, 2022
By Wolfdog26 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Wolfdog26 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My husband once told me that if anything happened to him. He wanted me to look after his plant. So once he passed in late November,  I made sure that every need of that plant was taken care of. I let the plant bathe in the sunlight for hours at a time. It just sits there on my window sill glistening from the golden sun rays that dance on its leaves. I pour the right amount of tap water on its roots. The water is soaked up in the dirt, turning it a darker color. Still the plant didn’t grow. It still stood there as small as an ant. It never grew a centimeter taller or wider.  It was as if it had been frozen in time from the moment it was given to me. Knowing that I should be taller by now, I became upset. Almost furious for not being able to take care of a singular plant. I went to bed so my anger didn’t turn into much more.

 The next morning I started to dust around the house. I made sure to dust by the window sill. After I lifted up the plant to dust under, a tag from the pot came shooting out. It read; “Fake plant “3x5” for decoration”. I spent my day thinking about it after that. I often let out laughter when I thought about it. The next day had passed and it was morning again. This time I got up, opened the shade on the window and gave the plant a cup of water.

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