Combustion Conundrum | Teen Ink

Combustion Conundrum

January 19, 2022
By 3Zabs BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3Zabs BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't quote me on this


     “Well, that wasn't supposed to happen.”

     “Ya’ think?”

The two looked down into a smoldering pit.

     “I want to point out that this was your idea.”

     “Well you did supply me with twice the amount of propellant that I asked for, aren't we therefore both equally at fault?”

     “That was so that we could do multiple tests!”

A brief moment passed by as the two friends, both deep in thought, stared at the crater where their miniature rocket had just been minutes before.

     “Why do you think the nose charges went off right away?”

     “Beats me. I told you that we won't be able to understand it’s workings---or disworkings---until we use a slow-mo camera”

     “We are not going to put my expensive ‘you-better-not-break-this’ birthday present camera two feet away from an explosion!”

     “Just a suggestion.”

A few more seconds passed.

     “Say, do you have anything for ringing ears?”

     “Earplugs? Like I suggested.”

     "Oh, shut up!”

     "I think I hear sirens.”

     “All I hear is my tinnitus.”

     “We should probably leave before we get connected to this.”

After packing up fairly quickly the two got into their separate cars, ready to leave.

     “Same time next week? I have a good feeling about the next one.”

     “I’ll be here.”

The two cars drove off in opposite directions in a field-slowly-as to not drive into any of the craters that would appear once per week.

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