A Boy's Last Time | Teen Ink

A Boy's Last Time

December 26, 2021
By ur_local_writer BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
ur_local_writer BRONZE, West Palm Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

¨ I love you¨ that was the last text message. ¨Just know this isn’t your fault¨ the young boy tells you letting you know. Nobody cares if I am gone, the boy thinks. No one will miss me. Damn it may even make some people happy. As the poor boy types to his one person that really cares. ¨ I won't be here much longer¨ he types as rivers flow from his eyes. The dark, sad room was blurry and gloomy like the dark sweet castle when its raining. You wonder where I am going? But let's be honest I don’t even know. ¨Just not here¨  the boy responds. You beg and cry for me to stay. You say you need me but what I need is death. The sweet, bitter feeling of nothingness. The darkness and blankness of reality. The mind being blank is the dream. The thought of having to deal with nothing was what the young boy longed for. To not have to hear the screaming and yelling of his mind telling him to ¨kill yourself¨¨. The evil voice ¨just do it¨, ¨come grab that knife¨. Realizing that evil voice is me. Just for everything to be blank. No dizziness, no twisting, no trying, just death. The thought of having to do nothing is peaceful to him. The happy ever after or at least his. He tells you ¨ I will miss you¨ But let's be honest again. Will he even be able to miss, or remember, love or hate in this new world? The boy will soon find out with the blade to his neck.

The author's comments:

Visit https://www.teenink.com/HealthResources if you or a loved one is feeling depressed, overwhelmed or suicidal. 


Everyone has their moments and even though not all writers want to say it, we get our writing from somewhere. It could have been something you went through and something you made up.  I have seen and heard many go through this story. The time you take with your loved ones is one we should be thankful for. The time you take with anyone is special. Be happy that you know who you know. Some people are wonderful and work behind the scenes for others. Overall, this is a story and yes, this story can come true. Just don't forget to say, I love you. 3 powerful words that can make a person stay. 

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