The End is Just the Beginning | Teen Ink

The End is Just the Beginning

March 21, 2019
By allymaza BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
allymaza BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know it’s the end when no presence of the beginning is left anymore. You can feel the tension building and building like a big flame of fire rather than building the it positively like the first fort you were so determined to construct as a child. Those beginning feelings have nearly vanished completely. There is no more determination, no more butterflies in your stomach, no more boundaries. Some people just simply give up because you just know in your heart that it’s the end. I don’t blame people for giving up, after time, you realize what your fighting for and maybe the end could be a good thing.

The end had always scared me. It seemed like a deep abyss nobody could ever get themselves out of. A trap of guilt and sadness, leaving behind a trail of things unsaid and things you wish you could take back or change. Have you ever been doing something so exhilarating or incredible that in that moment you said to yourself “I want to stay in this moment forever” or “I hope this day never ends”. That’s the thing about endings. Everything comes to some sort of end eventually. Just like the day you had. Whether it be a bad or good day, the sun will go down and rise up again, for a new day. A new chance.  

The end of a period of time, the end of a relationship, the end of a year may seem to be scary, and it is. It is a mess of emotions, a transition in this timeline of your life, a mark in history. When you sense those feelings fading, or watch the sun go down, or countdown for the new year to start and you have a pit in your stomach because you realize it’s the end, just remember, it’s a new beginning.

Once you come to a deep realization on this, I tend to believe that it is life changing. Instead of worrying about the future or the end of things, accept life into your arms, hold it tight, enjoy it, and when it’s ready to pass on to the next phase of life, let it go. It can be extremely hard to let the endings come and go but learn to love yourself and the way the rain that falls from the sky. Love the oceans, the green grass, the trees that sway back and forth in the Autumn wind. Appreciate the gift of human life and the different types of unique faces and voices you communicate with every day.

The end won’t be bad forever, because remember there’s always gonna be a new beginning. Just let it come and go.

The author's comments:

This semester of high school I am taking a Creative Writing class and I am trying to get better at writing. I enjoyed writing this piece because it came from the heart.

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