The Crash | Teen Ink

The Crash

March 16, 2019
By brennaj07 BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
brennaj07 BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"I can’t wait for tonight, Sylvia!” Jordan exclaimed through the phone.

“Yeah, me too,” Sylvia agreed while laughing nervously. Jordan and Sylvia have been best friends for as long as they can remember. It is the summer after their junior year of high school, and Jordan decided this summer is going to be the best one yet. This meant that tonight, the two of them would be sneaking out of Jordan’s house to go to a party.

“Are you sure this is going to work? What if my parents find out?” asked Sylvia.

“We’ll be fine, stop worrying so much,” Jordan replied, “come over around 8:00 so we can get ready together.”

“Okay, I will,” said Sylvia before hanging up the phone. She sighed heavily. It’s 7:00 now, which meant she had just under an hour before she needed to leave. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a hot pocket out of the freezer to make before she left. Her mom walked in just as the microwave went off.

“Hey, Mom, I’m going to Jordan’s house after I eat,” said Sylvia.

“Okay, honey, have fun!” her mom responded.

Sylvia got in her car and made her way to Jordan’s house, a little less nervous than she was before. Jordan’s house was a modern house on the corner of the street and had a red door. Once Sylvia got there, the two of them got ready and changed. They got in Jordan’s car, which was littered with empty fast food bags and blankets, and left for the party. It was getting dark outside, but it was still a warm night. The streetlights had just turned on, illuminating the trees they passed by.

“Hey, maybe you’ll meet a cute boy there,” Jordan said to Sylvia, smirking.

“Ha, I doubt it,” Sylvia replied. “Jordan, are your headlights on?” Right as Sylvia finished her sentence, there was a crash from the back of the car. Jordan slammed on her breaks as her car spun out of control. Someone had hit them. Everything happened so fast. A second car hit them coming the opposite way since Jordan couldn’t control her car. Glass shattered everywhere. Sylvia hit her head on the window, and her vision started going black. She tried to speak, but all she could do was listen to the sirens in the distance as she passed out.


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