The polluted life | Teen Ink

The polluted life

December 31, 2018
By DJAlyss GOLD, El,paso, Texas
DJAlyss GOLD, El,paso, Texas
12 articles 1 photo 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
Practice doesn't make perfect,
Practice makes Permanent

The girl is on the final piece of land on Earth. The Earth has been polluted and she is the last human being in the world. The bottle she found which she is now holding talks to her. He is telling her the story of it was carelessly left on the beach, therefore, when the tide came it was washed out to sea. The last tree ever is frail and also is on this tiny piece of land. The tree is showing her that to the east, where the wind blows, is a boy. He tells her that the boy also thought he was the last to live. She questions the tree of his knowledge of this. He says the clouds told him. The bottle says he agrees and asks her to read his tag. She takes the tag on the bottle and reads it, it says, "Whoever finds this means I am not alone."-boy. The girl asks the bottle if it is true a real boy wrote this. He says yes. He explains that after he was washed into the ocean with all the other bottles the boy picked him up and asked the bottle to send the message to someone in the God forsaken world. She is filled with adrenaline at his news. She now knows for a fact that she is not alone in this polluted world. she begs the tree to tell the clouds to give word to the boy. She asks to deliver the message that she is alone and she is a girl who would like to try and see the boy wherever he is to be. The tree agrees. She tells the bottle to rest on the island with her. She knows she is safe now and has hope. She cannot wait to meet her new friend boy. She lies down and goes to sleep, the bottle close by her. Soon she will meet boy. Very soon.

The author's comments:

This was just something I wrote out of inspiration from a picture. If we do not change our ways we may have this same scenario.

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