Preparations for Death | Teen Ink

Preparations for Death

March 8, 2023
By MasonMussetter BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
MasonMussetter BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The swordsmen saw the impending doom on the walls. My comrades and I couldn’t help but be nervous. I can smell the “Greek Fire” that we are mixing, we’ll dump it on them, a terrible fiery death they would have. I can predict the Northern attackers’ plan, they want to ram the gate and break it open, then they will act like they will ram the inner gate as they did the last, but I think they will opt to climb the inner wall. It wouldn’t be the first time I fought against this tactic, but it's a good chance it will be my last. I’m thinking about what I’ll do to the ones who are climbing, will I stab them or push them? I can hear the constant sounds of our preparation: arrows clanking against each other as archers fill their quivers, soldiers sharpening their swords and knives, soldiers putting chainmail on while I’m writing this little note. I can even hear mine jingling softly as I move my arm to write. The reason I am writing this is just in case I die, or even our country falls, maybe somebody can find this, read this; put it in a museum perhaps. For so long our federation has been in peace as the others were in constant war. The federation I called home has always been ignored as we were never too rich, but we were not weak or an easy target either. But a recent discovery of a new crop has given us an advantage. Eager to try this new food out we were able to export our new crop as soon as the news of it had reached the other countries’ doorstep. Sure this might allow us to have more than enough crops to sell to other countries and kingdoms, but this blessing and curse have put us under the spotlight of the warring kingdoms. Soon our treasury grew, which put another target on our back, another reason for an invasion. The thing is our little country does not want to share our new plant with the rest. The others still were warring, falling, growing, or preparing for war. Just because our country had seen no war for decades did not mean they weren’t ready for one, as each year our Duke that owned the land around the capital would set aside a fraction of his treasury for protection. We now had stone walls encompassing the capital and our most populous cities. But most of the cities to the Northwest have already been pillaged and burned. Our army was small compared to the Northerners attacking they had at least 100,000 soldiers to our 60,000. It was astonishing to see that the Northerners could muster so many men just after so many wars, they have always been the most ruthless in war, maybe it's in their blood. But blood from both sides would be shed today, as they approached the capital walls they were empowered by their previous victories, slaughters, and massacres in the Northwest. The capital’s garrison only numbered 15,000 fresh-faced conscripts. I was about to fight alongside nervous boys with their lives still ahead of them. We do not know exactly how many were coming, we just know we are outnumbered. I hope our riders can get word to the army fast enough so that they may rescue us from these brutes. As a veteran, I know the conscripts will be looking to me for advice or inspiration in battle. It’s a good thing I trained so much in my youth as I now have the skills to defend myself, but how can I defend these young boys? Are these my last comrades? Will I seriously fight and die with them? I am one of the few here with experience and did our duke really think this would work out? It is outrageous sending thousands of teenagers to our walls with a couple of seasoned veterans sprinkled in. Our garrison even lacks a commander! There is literally nothing that would stop these boys from running away as soon as the battle begins! I now realize I am on a negative rant and must think less pessimistically. At least we have the height advantage and I don’t believe they have too many skilled archers. The attackers from the North have no standard issue equipment but they will be wearing mostly fur or chainmail armor. As for the weapons they will have, most opt for hatchets but some prefer a sword like us instead. I am now ready for my demise, although I will try to prevent it I think my efforts will be in vain. Alright I must stop writing now as the attackers are close, if you find this piece of writing please keep this, please remember us who died, please remember our honor, remember our federation for our fall might be near.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece partly because of that it was an assignment, but after I turned it in I added more to it for fun.

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