The Burglar | Teen Ink

The Burglar

May 14, 2018
By Nicki123 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Nicki123 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was in my room lying on my bed trying to fall asleep, and I heard a loud ear-splitting noise underneath me. The noise sounded like a glass breaking. I was also home alone because my parents had work tonight. So, I slowly got out of bed, at this point I was shaking. My heart was beating so fast that I felt like the burglar downstairs could hear my heart beating. My hands, feet, body was sweating. I couldn’t really think straight, I felt as though I couldn’t move. Then all the sudden I heard another noise this time it was a booming sound.
        So, as this was all happening I decided to find something around my room to defend myself if he decided to come into my room. I was trying to be as quiet as possible while doing this. I found a bat in the corner of my room, I also grabbed the phone from my nightstand. I went into the closet to hide from this person. I dialed nine one one, I told them what was happening, and my address. As I was doing that I heard footsteps come up the stairs. My heart was beating faster than the first time if that’s possible. I didn’t even realize that I had ended the call.
        I heard footsteps outside my door going back and up, and back and up, so many times. My heart was beating so fast, I was sweating even worse, and I was shaking really, really bad. Just praying that he wouldn’t come into my room until the cops came here. I had to hold on to something to keep from making any noise. While this was happening I started silently crying, a few tears slid down my cheeks. It had only been ten minutes but it felt like centuries, it felt like the cops were taking so long to get here. Then all the sudden, he opened my door.
       My heart literally dropped, I stopped tearing up, I couldn’t breathe. I was hoping, really hoping that he wouldn’t come into the closet, then I would be dead for sure. I heard his footsteps, walking around my room. I didn’t know what he was looking for, then he stopped walking and he came closer and closer to the closet door. On the inside, I was crying I couldn’t move. Then he opened the closet door, I was on the far side of the closet. With the bat in my hand, and my phone in my other. He looked inside the closet, when he looked at me, I started crying, crying really bad. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. Then I heard sirens, I was kind of relieved but he was looking like he was freaking out. Which kind of scared me, I thought he would hurt me since I called nine one one.
      The police came rushing upstairs, I could hear them. At this time, I heard my window open sounded like he was trying to get out. But, it wasn’t in time, I saw the police cuff him up. I was so relieved, I felt as though I could breathe again. The police then told me, it was okay to come out. So I did, and I was hysterically crying, because of how relieved I was. The police walked me out of the house, and they took me to the station. They called my parents, and when my parents came to the station, they hugged me. At that moment, I have never been happier to see my parents.

The author's comments:

I hope people will feel what she was going through during this traumatic experience.

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