the school day | Teen Ink

the school day

September 5, 2017
By writer00 BRONZE, Lancaster, New York
writer00 BRONZE, Lancaster, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Him. He was the guy you day dreamed of during math in 4th grade when you couldn’t focus, but face it with this eyes on your mind you couldn't stop drifting off. The guy you wanted to hold hands with during nap time, the guy you wish you could be like in 7th grade. The guy, the guy you couldn't have.

     You woke up to a annoyingly painful headache and the alarm clock beeping off the charts didn't help. At all. You looked at the time on your loud alarm, had a minor panic attack and ran out the door with your backpack. You nearly missed the bus as it screeched on the breaks. You get on and pull a hair tie out of your backpack and start putting your hair up as you notice you're receiving some unsettling glares. The person you undecidedly sat with tapped you on the shoulder and pointed down at your pants. You give him a confused look as he turns around to face the window with a disgusted face. Your anxiety filled brain brushes it off and the glares start to fade. The bus comes to a stop and we arrive at school. I get off last and the bus driver nudges me “uh honey i’d look down” she says gesturing to my torso. “listen i woke up late i’m sorry I don’t have the best fashion choice’ I try to explain but she cuts me off with one word and a confused look. “Pajamas?’ my face goes white I look and see i'm wearing my ravenclaw harrypotter nightwear. I wanted to cry. I got off the bus and ran to the bathroom or at least tried considering my pants were longer than my legs. I was on the second flight of stairs trying to get up to the third as I ran into a group of people and they weren’t gonna let me pass until they said some words and I was not excited. “Hey Y/N how ya doing” I knew he was being sarcastic so I didn’t reply. “My friend ask you a question miss.pj pants’  When they started laughing I wanted to crawl in a dark, deep, dirty hole and never come out. “HEY! Guys come on we're gonna be late for gym” the boys stop stop laughing and rush through me “GYMMM!!!!!!” They all say in unison. “Sorry about them they are the ultimate jerks to everyone but when you get to know them they're pretty cool” It was him. I start to blush and get really nervous. I think he noticed because the unthinkable happen. He grabbed my hand “do you want me to walk you to your class?” We start walking up the stairs and he turns to me and says “don’t forget to change your pants’ he says as he pushed me down the stairs and I hit the wall. I close my eyes and wake up to the alarm clock beeping with the annoyingly painful headache that i woke up with a minute ago.

The author's comments:

hope you like it! i'm new at this sorry if it's bad oops.

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