Food Network Star: Season 13 | Teen Ink

Food Network Star: Season 13

January 31, 2017
By Anonymous

Welcome to season 12 of Food Network star this season we have selected 12 talented chefs from around the world to compete in a culinary competition to be crowned “The Next Food Network Star” not only that but the winner will win $50,000 cash, a show on the Food Network and a monthly column in the Food Network Magazine. Let’s meet the season 12 competitors!
We have Cindy Mathews from Colorado, Carol Williams from Poland, Derrick Tillery from Las Vegas, Jon Michael Lark from Syracuse New York, Ashley Kale from the UK, Jenna Yulla from Boise Idaho, Jared Beller from Sacramento California. Anthony Roks from Springfield Missouri, Lisa Thayer from Albany NY. Lisa Pollicino from Albany NY, Danushka from the west coast and Jesse Braverman from NY.
Giada- My name is Giada De Larentas and I ham happily joined by Alton Brown and the one and only bobby flay. This season all of you are going to cook for all three of us and please welcome the network. Bob Tuchman and Susie Foegelson. All five of us will be mentoring you every step of the way and in the last week the final five will be handed over to these kind people to prep you for fame, and the “Next Food Network Star”.
Alton- Now for your first Star challenge. Tonight 400 people from California have been invited to the premiere party of the show and we need a caterer.
Susie- so, all of you are our caterer. We will split you into four groups of three.
Giada- you and your team will create a menu of two appetizers two entrées and three desserts. You will have two and a half hours to prep your food and then we are headed to Sharron’s Bar and Restaurant. Where you will feed the 400 guests.
Bobby- So teams are
Team Fire- Danushka Jesse and Ashley.
Team Confederate- Jared Anthony and Lisa.
Team cold- Derik Jenna and pollicino
Team Anything- Cindy Carol and Jonmichael
Bob- You have your teams collectively come up with your menu and main plan you have ten mins. Go!
Team Confederate-
Lisa- I think since I am a teacher I should be the leader. Is everyone in line with that?
J- Yeah.
L- Ok Jared lets have you do entrees and Anthony do desserts I will do appetizers. What do you guys think?
J- My fried dumplings and macaroni and cheese.
Chocolate lava cake with white cream traditional chocolate chunk cookies and ice cream
L- Ok and I will do peanut butter crackers and miso soup. Ok guys on the count of three 1-2-3 team Confederate!

Team fire-
Danushka- I am totally Head
No I am right?
J- Yes
Danushka- Whatever.
Fine you can be head!
D- Ok Jesse desserts I’m entrees and Ashley you’re on appetizers!
Ok I’ll do a peach tomato soup broccoli and peanut cracker
J- I will do chocolate vanilla and marble cake.
D- Great and I will do chicken Parm and sausage platter plus.

Team Cold-
J- Ok I am totally head so derik you’re on appetizers I’m on desserts and pollicino your on entrees.
D- Pan Crusted shrimp and crackers.
P- I will do Chicken cutlets all etc. and beef stew.
J- I will do cookie crumbles. Good plan.

Team Anything

R- I’m head so Cindy entrees carol desserts and I am appetizers. I’m doing soups.
C- Ok I will do three versions of lava cake.
Cindy- I will do coconut shrimp.
Time’s up! Let’s head to the event!
Susie- Welcome to the premiere party of food network star season twelve. Twelve chefs from around the globe have been chosen to compete in this competition.
Bob- Tonight you will taste and hear from each group and what they made. You have 3 tickets taste your favorite dishes. Your first ticket will determine which appetizer and etc…
Alton- come out team fire!
Danushka- hi I’m danushka I am from season nine and I lost and tonight I am here to win. I am happily joined by Ashley and Jesse. Tonight I prepared chicken parm and sausage platter plus.
Jesse- I have made vanilla chocolate and marble cakes.
Ashley- I made tomato peach soup.
Danushka- enjoy!

Bobby- next we have team confederate
Lisa- I’m Lisa Thayer and I’m joined by Jared and Anthony
Anthony- I made lava cake.
Jared- I made fried dumplings
Lisa- I did peanut crackers and miso soup
Giada- Now we have team anything
JMK- I’m Ryan and I’m joined by Cindy and carol. We made stuff.
Susie- now we have team cold
Jenna- hi I’m Jenna and I’m joined by Derik and Lisa pollicino
Bob- now vote for your food. Have a good night!
Giada- Welcome to elimination night round one. So, last night was interesting. We saw stupidity and confidence. Tonight, on the bottom is team anything. All the rest are safe. Thanks.
Alton- Cindy, your food was boring! That’s it!
Bobby- JMK you and your food were off tonight. You were silly saying “We made stuff” you did but like what?
Alton- Carol your food sucked! Sorry!
Giada- we are going to discuss and call you back.
Alton- So, JMK he is strange, but his food was fine.
Bobby- carols food? No!
Bob- we know
Giada- Cindy no. she is all and all just not cut out for this!
Susie- she does have significant ability.
Alton- Shall we?
Giada- so, we have decided
Bob- carol, JMK Cindy the judges have decided. Ryan you are safe.
Susie- the next and last person safe is carol. Cindy I’m sorry you’re out. Congrats on this far.

Episode 2

Susie- Welcome back everyone. You guys barely made it through Week one
Bob-Week one was a train wreck people being goofy to people just not executing their ability in there food.
Alton- Today we have a Producer’s challenge which I will announce in a moment, but first, let me explain, each week we will assign a Producer’s  challenge, if you are to win that Producer’s challenge, you get a significant advantage in the next star Challenge. Now for today’s Producer’s challenge.
Bobby~ So Today's Producer’s challenge is
Giada~ you will have a camera challenge!
Alton~ In order to be a food star you must be able to explain what you are doing well. Plus, how to create it Start to finish.
Susie~ you will have a minute and a half to prepare and explain your dish as well as using your P.O.V!
Giada~ first up JMK
Susie~ everyone go backstage and we will call you to the mini kitchen when we are ready. Thanks
Alton~ what they don’t know is that Robert Irvine will be here cooking the dish with them on the other side of the camera. Robert will make that dish.
Robert~ I really hope people can explain well. Because if they can’t I won’t be able to replicate it. And a food star needs to explain well.
Bob- ok, let’s call in JMK
JMK- Hello all today I am going to make an easy chicken parmesan. I grew up in Syracuse NY and I loved the fair so I went during the day and came home to make chicken parm. So first let’s take a piece of stale French bread and put in the toaster and then immediately get started on the sauce. I use rago but you can use Prego or anything. So let’s put one cup of sauce in the bowl and throw it in the microwave. Next let’s take that toast out of the toaster. Now let’s take that sauce spread it all over the toast and sprinkle mozzarella-
Robert- he ran out of time. He spent too long to talk about his confusing P.O.V.
Giada- I agree. He needs some coaching in time pacing.
Come on out JMK
Robert- you didn’t know I was coming! I watched you talk and cook and replicated your dish. You ran out of time plus you took the entire time talking about your confusing P.O.V.
Susie- I agree.
Bob- now tasting it your dish isn’t bad
Alton- thank you chef
Bobby- Lisa Thayer
Lisa- hi everyone my name is Lisa pollicino I’m from New York and today I am making barbecue chicken tips.  First let’s put 1.5 cups of oil in my pan, and set it at medium low. I love this dish because I come from a chicken loving household. Now turn it all the way up to medium high put your chicken breasts in sear it for about a minute and flip it. Now roll it in the barbecue sauce and plate it. Thanks for watching.
Robert- she was not bad. She was able to work at the same time but she did not cook the meat all the way.
Bobby- Lisa come out here
Giada- first off good job on your presentation. In regards to the food the chicken is raw.
Alton- yes the entire thing is red.
Bob- thanks.
Susie- everyone come out here. This process took too long. We have to move on.
Alton- the purpose of that challenge was tonight we are doing Halloween Live! This means you will be working live at your station.
Bob- we go live at 8:20 pm. So it's 7:15 you need to decide what your plan will be and prep your kitchen.
Alton- pollicino your advantage is you will not cook. You will answer phone calls and direct them to the right person. If you receive a call, you need to respond properly.
Bobby- we will see you at 8:00 pm.
________________ 40 mins later___________________________________

Bob- we are back. You guys did get to town while we were gone.
Giada- we are ready to go live remember everything we talked about! 3-2-1 live!
Pollicino- welcome to Halloween live everyone. Tonight we have some of the most talented chefs cooking huge meals for the judges. Feel free to call in and ask a question at (212)401-5307. Looks like we have a call from carolann in Rhode Island. What chef is your question for?

CarolAnn- Ryan. Ryan what makes you think you’re the next food network star?
Ryan- I am very energized in the kitchen and I hate to talk to people!
Pollicino- ok thanks for your call CarolAnn. Thank you for joining us tonight on Halloween Live! Until next year I'm Lisa Pollicino from Food Network Star Season 12 good night America.
Bobby- hello well done pollicino we all did not know you were that good of a host! So pollicino you are safe!
Alton also safe is Jenna danushka and Lisa.
Giada- Anthony carol Ashley. Jared and Jesse.
Alton- this obviously means, Ryan and Derik you are on the elimination table.
Giada- the way you talked to the caller. Sucked! I would never want to call. It’s disrespectful!
Bob- Derik no didn’t like the food. That’s all.
Susie- safe tonight is Ryan! Sorry Derik! See everyone bright and early tomorrow morning.

Episode 3

Susie- Welcome to the one and only San Diego Airport. You are moments away from boarding the American Airlines Plane to Houston Texas! Bobby, Gida, Alton, and bob are already there awaiting our arrival! So without further to do let's board!

Alton- It’s nice to see you! As you can see, you are in the presence of a kitchen. Privately owned. So the way it is now is how it should be when we leave!
Gida- So, todays mini challenge is make your signature dish without using eggs. If a package says contains eggs you may not use it. The person who wins this challenge unlike the other mini challenges you will not get an advantage.
Bobby- so you have 30 minutes. And your time starts now!

Danushka- so when he said we can’t use eggs I was like I use eggs in everything. So I am going to make a smoothie with potato chips on the side.
Ashley- so I am making scrambled eggs and bacon. And I know this will win over the judges.
Pollicino- so, we can’t use eggs. Like what am I going to make? Dessert chocolate cake. I grab egg beaters and I see they are not real eggs. That’s good. I get started.
Ryan- I am just going to wing it. It may not necessarily go together but oh well!

Bobby- 10 seconds
Pollicino- this just go real. I need to plate. If I don’t I am totally going to fail! Regardless if this is an elimination round!

Gida- Times Up step away!

Alton- Derik I’m not tasting that!!!
Danushka- I made pancakes with an egg substitute and bacon.
Alton- Not bad Danushka the bacon is a little undercooked but not bad. Ashley.
Ashley I made for you steak and rice.
Alton- Love it. Carol
Carol- there’s my dish
Alton- are you going to explain?
Carol- no.
Alton- ok. Anthony
Anthony- I made rice cakes
Alton- this dish is the best from you so far.
Anthony- thank you
Alton- Pollicino
Pollicino- I made a coffee expresso.
Alton- my first thought was this isn’t a meal but there are so many layers its good.
Ryan- I made a bacon platter
Alton- I’m not impressed. Jared
Jared- I made a musical note hot sauce bun
Alton- creative but no. Jenna
Jenna- I made a brock taco
Alton- good idea but not star worthy. Everyone else you used eggs the rules were no eggs. If this happens in a star challenge, you’re done. But, the advantage goes to two people, Anthony and pollicino. In fifteen minutes you guys need to be at five guys down the street and be in the vans and we are headed to our star challenge. Bye.
Jenna- Alton said no eggs do you guys think this has something to do with our next challenge?
Ashley- I hope not
Pollicino- I hope I get a good advantage.
Anthony- you and me both.
Danushka- where are we?
Pollicino- looks like the middle of the desert.
Jenna- I knew it! We have a “challenge”
Susie- you made it to the dessert!
Bobby- pollicino and Anthony won the advantage. You guys will get time to go to the store. Then you can cook. You will NOT be given the time you are gone back to you when you return. You have the option to take it or just ignore it.
Bob- so, when Susie says go you will grab a GPS and it will take you to where you’re cooking location is.
Susie- on your mark….. GO!
Lisa- so I grabbed my GPS and I am following it and it's taking me to a road like concrete. I’m like I thought we were in the desert. I got to the house I rang the doorbell. The lady says welcome and I start cooking. I grab some stuff and go.
Danushka- so I get a GPS and I arrive at this cooking location in the dessert and I set up and then oh my god the stove is not in sight. I have to set up the fire and keep on going.
Jenna- so I am walking to this dirt road and it looks like a rodeo camp. I find the place where I have to cook and I notice there are only dry ingredients and no wet ingredients. I can’t believe the network would not let us use wet ingredients.
Lisa- so I am searing my steak and I lay it on the plate because I have no idea how much time I have left because I have no timer. I get my vegetable finished and plated it. And in walks the network. Susie and Bob.
Bob- so let’s taste your food. I like the tenderness but it’s not flavored enough. Other than that wonderful job.
Susie- I have to disagree with bob. Your steak is flavorful.
Bob- so, make sure you are at the starting point by 8pm because we are have elimination night there.
Jenna- so I basically have just UN flavorful vegetables. And I notice the network walk in.
Bob- you only have vegetables? This is very disappointing. This could eliminate you.

Giada- so we were not impressed tonight. Jenna and Ryan you are up for elimination tonight. All the rest of you are safe.
Bob- Ryan your crab was overcooked.
Susie- you literally had vegetables that were on your plate. That is not a food network star!
Alton- so Ryan you are safe Jenna I’m sorry you have been eliminated.
Giada- be at the airport bright and early we are headed to the big apple New York City. We will be at the Food Network Headquarters. You will cook there and then you will go to Orlando Florida for the ESPN games. There TWO people will be eliminated. So rest and see you at five AM!

Episode 4
Quarter 2

Susie: Welcome to the Houston Texas Airport! In a half an hour we will be boarding delta plane number 778965. In case you didn’t know, Delta is the official Airline of Food Network. We will be heading to New York City.
Bob- when we arrive in New York, you will cook a chicken dish to present to a panel of magazine editors. People magazine, Us magazine.
Alton- so this obviously means this is your producer’s Challenge. You will only have 45 mins so use that time wisely. Unfortunately we will not be at the judging panel to assist the judges decisions. The Barefoot Contessa will be your “host”.
Giada- so let's board!!!!


Barefoot: hello everyone! Let's get cooking 45 mins. Go!
Ryan: I immediately grab chicken breast and season it and slap it on the grill. Im making a not your average chicken burger. This will have the balance between sweet savory and all.

Barefoot: I forgot to tell you, the winner of this producer's challenge will have their food pictured on the cover of the magazine editors choice.
Ryan: Crap! I have to do very well or I won't be pictured!
Bare foot: Time! Bring your food up. And the judges will privately judge your food and tell bobby, bob, Giada, alton, and Susie the winner! Bye!

Orlando Florida

Alton- Welcome to the new ESPN hotel! Today you will be preparing food for the ESPN Games.
Susie- you will have 1 hour and 25 mins, to cook a buffet dinner
Giada- when you are done you will go sit and watch the ESPN games. When the games are over and the food is done, you will be called into the elimination room. But, tonight, two people are going to be eliminated.
Bob- ok so without further to do. Go!
-the chefs cook-

Susie- so let's talk about Ryan, I liked his food tonight. He has really pursued his P.O.V in this food. I am proud of him.
Bob- but, he still is shy in front of the camera and in person.
Alton- how about pollicino? She was excellent tonight. I actually think she deserves the Delta Airlines free flight.
Susie- I agree. Lets bring them in.
Giada- so the winner of tonight's challenge and who will receive the free flight From Delta Airlines, is…
Bobby- Ryan! Lisa and pollicino are on the bottom tonight!
Susie- unfortunately, pollicino and lisa we have to say goodbye!
Alton- see you tomorrow in Burbank!

Episode 5

Bob- So, it's down to six contestants. Bobby, Giada, and Alton are here right now to say goodbye and good luck.
Alton- i've really enjoyed watching you guys learn and grow. I will see you at the finale.
Giada- I will miss mentoring you guys. But, Bob and Susie will take good care of you.
Bobby- I second that. Bye
Susie- today for your Producer’s Challenge will be to create a product that contains milk.
Bob- A panel of judges from Target Walmart and Stop and Shop.
Susie- so you will have to make a product that has milk and do so in 30 mins.
Bob- oh and one more thing after today’s Producer’s challenge one of you will be leaving us. And then also after the star challenge.
Susie- and your time starts now!
Ryan- so I totally say since I have a half hour and milk I decide to make “ryan Shake and Milk” this is is a sweet and savory drink.
Danushka- milk? Product? In season 9 we just had to make a product. I got kicked off the show for this challenge.
Mystery- Stop the Clock
Ryan- my heart is ready to explode I'm in the middle of mixing and some ones says stop the clock. I am scared.
Mystery- you may resume
Ryan- must have been a technical glitch.
m- are you really star worthy?
d- I am seriously freaked out! The voice is a male and a female. And different accents?
m- I smell sweets
Ryan- that’s me
Anthony- I look over to the judging desk where Bobby Giada alton bob and Susie normally sit and there are not there. they didn't mention them leaving.
m- i'm just about ready to come out.
ryan- thankfully i was almost done so i grab a piping bag and make it look presentable.
d- i take my popsicles out of the freezer and i grab a glass jar and put the popsicles in side. i also grab a liquor cooler and put ice in it. i put all my popsicles in.
m- 10 seconds
a- ok. i grab plates and i plate my steak on the plate in the skillet. like at restaurants.
m- time
Dameris- hi im season 9 winner of food network star
Ron Ben israel- i’m the host of sweet genius
Robert irvine- you know me
Bob- so, you can leave to the camera room and film a presentation and come back here when everyone is finished. then sweet genius robert dameris susie and i will choose a winner. the winner will be safe and will go to the star challenge. one of you will be leaving us in less than an hour. for a producer’s challenge.
Ryan- Hi! my name is ryan and i am a man that love ice cream milk and sugar. today i have made for you a heavenly milkshake with just that great cream feel. my names ryan the clown and thanks for watching.
danushka- hi i'm danushka. i was in this show a few years ago and i am here for redemption. today i have made for you rum chata popsicles and chocolate popsicles. i like the rum chatta but for the youngins i us just the chocolate. thanks.
anthony- hi my names anthony and today i have made a juicy steak. one little tim serve the steak in the skillet to keep that nice juicy flavor.
Ron- hello finalists! i am killing to see your videos let's watch.
“Hi! my name is ryan and i am a man that love ice cream milk and sugar. today i have made for you a heavenly milkshake with just that great cream feel. my names ryan the clown and thanks for watching.”
susie- i really enjoyed your presentation. the milkshake is a little too sweet for me but i think that others would like it. nice job.
Dameris- danushka!
“hi I'm danushka. i was in this show a few years ago and i am here for redemption. today i have made for you rum chata popsicles and chocolate popsicles. i like the rum chatta but for the youngins i us just the chocolate. thank”
Bob- loved it! rumchata is my favorite and chocolate for the kids outstanding. we will watch everyone else presentation independently and call you back.
susie- ryan, you are safe!
dameris- but the winner is danushka!
Bob- Anthony sorry we will see you at the finale!
Susie- ryan, dunushka, Ashley we want to see pilots from you guys and you deserve it.
Bob- you guys film and we will see you tomorrow at the finale.
Susie- bye

Episode 6
Giada- welcome America to the finale of Food Network Star
Bobby- tonight we will relive some moments from this season, talk to the chefs and talk to the finalists.
Alton- danushka, what do you think about being in the finale and being better than your appearance in season 9
D- amazing! I will always take the advice from you guys.
Susie- tonight's finale is a super sweet one and we are announcing the winner now!
Alton- the winner of season 12 Food Network Star is Ryan!!!! Congrats!Ashley you are also the winner!!!  We will see you all next year on Food Network Star!!!!

The author's comments:

i am an avid fan of the Hit TV Show Food Network Star, And Food Network Star: Kids! i have never been much of a writer, but, when my teacher gave me the opertunity to write about something that intrested me, and that it could be ANYTHING, i decided that it would be a great idea to write my own season of Food Network Star! Hope you enjoy reading!

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