Letters to Penelope | Teen Ink

Letters to Penelope

May 16, 2016
By VictoriaB BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
VictoriaB BRONZE, Pembroke Pines, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Penelope,

Being away for you is heart wrenching. I spent seven years wondering with my men. Eventually, we landed on an island of laid back people. Ignorant men who found bliss in a plant. I sent three crew members to find what folks inhabited the coastline. We came for water, but the people, using lotus as bait, got my shipmates hooked to their drug. They didn’t want to return home but I couldn't afford to loose anyone on my journey. I did what any great captain would do, my dear. I tied them to the ship. The more men I had with me, the quicker you and I would reunite.
Soon after, we entered the land of the Cyclops. Oh my darling Penelope, I will spare you the gruesome details. We ate food in a cave, which belonged to a particular cyclops, Polyphemus. I was hoping for a peaceful encounter, yet prepared for the worst. I was expecting a custom gift from the beat, but he has other plans. Polyphemus made meals out my a few of my friends. Filled with rage I avenged their murder and sent a spear through his eye, blinding him. I had previously conned him into believing my name was Nohbdy and while he was yelling he said what he believed was my name, making he brothers think everything was okay. Oh what a fool he was indeed. I uncovered my true identity after we escaped. Everything went downhill from there. Poseidon, Polyphemus’ father sent great aquatic troubles my way, in effort to punish me for what I did to his son. The seas travel was harsh, but I’m still alive and miss you and Telemachus with all my heart.

I will love you forever

The author's comments:

Finale project, letters to penelope from odysseus 

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