The Great War | Teen Ink

The Great War

December 19, 2014
By Gerardo Sandoval BRONZE, San Dago, California
Gerardo Sandoval BRONZE, San Dago, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1

It was sunday in the morning I   was going to use the bathroom. When I   got to the bathroom door I   hear some noise outside like if someone was shooting a gun So I   looked out side of my window and  saw  tony my neighbor  just sitting in a chair next to  house shooting the tree that was in middle  of our house. 
“what are you doing tony” 
“What does it look like  jack” said tony after he shoots the tree in the hole.  
“I know what you doing i asked why are you doing that and can you stop that tony I   don't want my little  brother to wake up he makes too much  noises and my mom and dad are asleep”.
“No Jack I   don't care if your little brother  is asleep if you what me to stop  then come make me jack” tony said after he shoot the tree 2 times.”
“If you dont tony I   will call the cops to come to make you stop.”
“Are you scared jack if your not come down here and tell me in my face.”
“ your older then me tony pulls you have a gun.” 
“What I   can not hear you jack.” shooting a bird on the tree that just came to  sitting on the hole.
“Don’t do that again or I   will can the cops tony.”
“what!” tony said after getting a drink of water.
“Fine I   just going to call the cops tony!”
“what! I   can not hear you Jack.” shooting 2 times at the dead bird.”
That was messed up what tony did to that bird.  
After screaming at tony I   closed the window but I   could imagine the dead bird getting shoot so after when I   called the cops to make him stop I   went to clean up the dead bird so my little brother can not see it. But when I   went outside their more dead birds there were in the hole dead, the hole was full of blood. That jackass he killed more birds. The tree was nias and had apples that were good but when you look at the hole and the tree it looked like someone killed their pet birds and put them it the trees hole. I   got a Tony trash can and put the dead birds in there. after Threw it Tony trash can because I   know he will not care because he killed them. Then I   put water in the hole so the blood will get out the hole, but if you look closed  to the hole you can see the blood.  

Chapter 2
When I   was done using the bathroom and wash my hands of some of the dead birds blood. After I   went to living room to watch tv there was nothing on tv so I   just watch the news. I   got bored of the news so I   start to play the ps3 I   put in star wars battlefront 2. 1 hour later of playing the ps3 I   got hungry so I   turned off the ps3 and start to walk to the kitchen. I   took out two sizes of bread to make a sandwich. I   was about to take a bite but then I   heard  knocked at my door. I   got a plant and put the sandwich the plant. When got to the door I   opened it.
“Hi Jack”
“Hi ben what do you what.”
“Lets go play soccer”
“I can’t my mom and dad are asleep and they don’t like when I   leave with our tell them.”
“It just going to be just 1 hour you parents are not going to find out you lift.”
“Yes they are and plass I   have to take care of of my little brother and his friends when my dad parents leave.”
“why you have to take care of you brother and his friends?”
“Because my little brother is too young to be left alone in the house and I   am getting payed to take care of them.”
“Just hire babysitter to take care of them.”
“Don’t you remember last time hire a babysitter my little brother mass with them that they never what to come back.”
“Thats right but you can take them with us to play soccer.”
“I can’t they parents are going to get mad and I   am not going to get payed and that is going to get me mad because I   am going to loss $150.00 and with that money I   can buy a new bike.
“come on it’s just money jake.”
“But its a new bike and I   can go with you to the to the store, we will get there faster plass its too far away and my pratens don’t have to drive me.”
“Fine but at least can I   come when you babysiting then.”
“Ya you can come but I   have to check on them.”
“Ok see you then”
I closed the door walked to the kenchen, got my sandwich about to take a bite but I   heard some laughing  I   looked in my sandwich and saw flower.
“johnny why did you do that.”
“I thot it will be fun so I   did it big brother.”
“Don’t do that again”
“now get go clean your room your friends are come and I   am go to take care of you and yours friends.”
He ran to his room all happy that his friends where coming.    

Chapter 3

I heard someone at the door ring the doorbell. I   walked to the door opened it. it was Johnny's friends with their mom. They said to gave them jace with a sandwich and apples, but if they good gave them a cup cake, their moms left after that.
“johnny your friends are here!”
He ran down stairs got his friends and ran up stairs with his friends.
I heard ben vose  at the door he was saying my name.
“Jake are you there, you said you are going to take care of you brother and his friends.”
i opened it and said “ I   am there hear”
“I thought you weren't here because I   at your door like 5 times.”
“I didn’t hear you my little brother and his friends were making too much noses thats why I   did not hear you.”
“ Can I   come in.”      
“Ya come in ben did you bring chips.”
“Of cares.”

Chapter 4
I got ps3 what up stairs and put it on the desk.
“Jack you stall have that book.”
“Ya my mom did not let me trull it away because it was my first book I   got in 3 grade.”
“3 grade was fun remember I   ran away from the teacher.” 
“ ya I    remember running to get  lunch to watch you running  away.”
“Good times.”
“now we are in 10 grade.”
“help me put the ps3 on.”
“after this lets play your xbox 360 jack.” 
“fine now help me with the ps3 .”
ben suck like always but he was doing bitter. after that the doorbell ring I   what to  the door.
It was a girl that I   sean never before.
“What do you what.”
“ My mom said I   have to come and go with my little brother.”
“do I   call him.”
‘No can I   come and go with him.”
“fine don’t take that long.”
As she wailed in my little brother room one of the johnny friend ran up to her and said sister! you got taller sister. I know you too brother. 
so she was had a little brother I   thot she was go to take something and saw that her little brother was not here.
“can I   stall here with my little brother I   did not see him for a logan time.”
“ fine.” 

Chapter 5
when I   walked to my room ben was out  the door waiting for me.
“She is is pretty I   think you should go out with her.”
“I don’t know I   know she pretty but I   don’t know here.”
“Why don’t you go out with here ben.”
“ Did you forget I   have a girlfriend.”
“ I   forgot.”
“You should.”
“I don’t know.”
“plus you have your little brother he plays with her little  brother.”
“ I   will think about it, lets go play the xbox.” 
one hour later I   what to get to check on the kids when I   got there she was asleep the the  chair.
“johnny why is she asleep.”
“She came from new york and her plane was at 2.00 in the morning."
"ok you guy hugely I   can make sandwich with some apples with 1 cup cake."
"ya!" All the of Johnny friends said.
"Ok just take 10 minutes.”
“Don’t yell she asleep.”
I   was walked to the kitchen to make the snacks  for them then I   ben came downstairs.
“jack it is fine that my girlfriend comes over?” 
“ben do you what to make you a sandwich?”
“Sure and can you make one for my girlfriend.”
I got the bread and apples, got a naiff  and started cutting the apples after that I   got the bread and put ham on bread. after that I   got cups and put some put juice in some cups that were for kids. I   got plants and put all the sandwich and the rest  of the food on the plant. 
“The food is done, come down here and eat or the fly is going to get on it.”
“Ok  we coming.”

Chapter 6

I was about to go up stairs but then someone rang the doorbell. I    walked to the door and looked at the hole in the door it was ben's girlfriend.
“johnny call ben tell him that his girlfriend is here.”
“No I   don’t what to.”
“no cup cake for you then.”
he ran up stairs and told ben that his girlfriend was here. ben what down stairs and said where. I   said at the door, do you want me to open it or do you what open it.
“You do it its your house.”
I   open the the door.
“Hi is ben here?” I
“He told me to come here jack.”
“yes he is come in hes in the living room.”
She came in what to the living room and saw ben.
“Hi ben.”
‘Hi Bella." After that Ben gave her a kiss. 
“Bella do you what a sandwich.” I   asked after their were done kissing.
“ya shere.”
“come to the kitchen I   made.”
“Thanks.” Bella said after kissing ben 
“ben theirs kids here, kiss later.”
“just don’t kiss in too they go but to johnny room.”
We walked to the kitchen and started eating.
9 minutes  later we were done and the my little brother and his friends left to his room.  When they left we what to my room. I   am going to check on my brother and his friends. I   walked johnnys room. I   opened the door and looked in side. Johnny and his friends were everywhere, their under the bed, in the closed  and their about to put maker in the girl face.
“Stop right now johnny.” 
“Why we are having fun.”  put the maker away from her face.
“i don’t care if you are playing but don’t put maker on her face that is not nice and if you did mom and dad will get you in truble and remember last time they took your DS away for 2 weeks.”
“I know what happened last time.”
“do you want that to happen again?”
“Then don’t do that.”
After talking to johnny, he stop gave me his maker and played with his friends cops and robbers.
Chapter 7
I wake her up and asked her if she wants to go to my room be with a bella. she said shere.
We what to my room and intruders to bella. bella and her hage out, and ben and me played the xbox 360. 1 hour later,we heard a gun shoot.
“what was that?”
“it was tony.”
“ I   will be back.”
i what downstairs to tell tony to stop or I   will have to call the cops to come and take him to jail. I   got outside and saw tony in a chair sitting, he had blood on his closed. I   walked next to tony. When I   got to him tony I   told him to stop  but he did not asker.  I   hate him but he did not asker. he fall down, he had a gun shoot in his back.
I looked back there was a man dressed like he was in war. he saw me and was about to shoot the gun, I   saw tony's gun and shoot him. I   shoot  him in the arm, he dropped his gun and called for backup. I   ran back home with the gun incast he comes in the house. I   blocked the door with a table, chairs, and whatever I   can found to block the door.
i rush to my room and told them to go to the kitchen and to get all the food and put in the bassmate.

they asked why, I   said “ just do it!”  “Fine.”
    I   ran to johnny's room and told to them  to go to the base mate fast. they thought it was game. when everyone got to the base mate, I   was about to tell them what just happen but then johnny asked why are we here and why do you have tonys gun. what I   was about to tell you guys that someone shoot tony.
BEn asked if hes dead. yes hes dead. how did he dead.  I   don’t know I   just he got shot in the heart. What are we going to do? I   don’t know! I   just know we have to stay her. Why do we have to stay her?
Because there's own 1 door and we have food and water. Ok got it but we need more guns and we need to get the tv. Why do we need a tv? to watch the news. Fine. But there's one problem. what is it? where are we going to get the guns. I   know there guns in tonys house. he likes to buy guns for no reason.
lets go then we make 2 teams to get the tv and the guns. ben you and bella and my brothers  friends go get the tv.  I   go with johnny to get the guns. what about me, said the girl that came from new york.
stay here and put the food in the fraiche and what's your name. my name is jacky. 

Chapter 8
When we made it to the door 

Chapter 9
Chapter 10

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