Jeannette's Love Story | Teen Ink

Jeannette's Love Story

December 21, 2012
By PandaBear777 BRONZE, Odessa, Texas
PandaBear777 BRONZE, Odessa, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Jeannette Elizabeth Rosalie; I tend to stay out of trouble and keep to myself because I don’t like it when my father yells. I live in a giant old timey castle that looks as though it were from medieval times. I am here only with my father as family, the rest are servants whom my father has hired to take care of me and protect me while he serves his kingdom. My father has been frightened ever since my mother was killed when I was only one. My father could be lying when he told me this because I couldn’t have remembered it.
I was told a man had come into our castle and asked for shelter and maybe some food because he hasn’t eaten in weeks. My father being the kind-hearted man he was agreed and let them man stay. It was a mistake my father could never take back. In the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, yes including the servants, something happened. No one would have thought the man would have done what he did. He had gotten up in the middle of the night so he could steal all of our money and prized possessions. My mother heard a noise in the silent night. She had gotten out of bed to go check to make sure I was okay; seeing I was she went to go see if a servant was doing something. She went into the library chamber where the vault was hidden. She knew her servants wouldn’t dare to come in here without permission. Something was telling her to go in here so she followed her instincts. She opened the door and that was the end of that. The man had stabbed my mother to death. It was said you could hear her shrieks throughout the castle. Everyone had been woken up and was sent running out of their rooms to investigate. They had found her body with all the money in a bag lying next to her. The man was never found; it was like he disappeared.
Never does father let me out; never does father let me roam around. I only want to see the town, the people, what they look like, what they want out of life. I just want to see one person from the outskirts of this stupid-rotten-idiotic-ten-foot castle wall. As I stare at the wall I sit down in my pure gold, diamond-encrusted chair; it has a cushion that is made out of pure Latin material that is really soft and silky smooth to the touch. I have tried to remember the name of this beautiful piece of material but I have forgotten the name of which the material was called; all I knew was that it was of the purest red in all the land.
THUD! A noise that had startled me, jumping out of the chair, I ran to the window, looking down and see something on the ground, trying to make it out by squinting my eyes. It was a person, looked like a man and the guards apparently saw him too. They ran toward him and picked him up off the ground and started dragging him to inside the castle. Really wanting to know whom it was I picked up the bottom of my dress and started running trying not to trip. Stopping at the edge of the stairs that lead down to the hall where my father spent most of his day, knowing I didn’t have enough time to actually try to run down in heels I took off my shoes and threw them aside. Holding handfuls of dress I start down the stairs. I had finally gotten to the hall, it was a giant room that had red curtain drapes everywhere lined in gold and always looked as if they are brand new, there were columns in every corner and going down on the outside of the main carpet that was also red lined with gold. When people came in they had to stay on the carpet and they couldn’t step off of it. Despite all of the rooms in the castle it was the main room where people go to see him.
I could see my father sitting in his chair with an exhausted expression on his face. I could tell he was having a long day. The day was about to get longer, the guards has brought the man to him.
“This man was found in the garden after he had shortly fallen over the wall,” the main guard has stated to my father.
“Why are you here young one?” I heard my father asked with rage. I felt for the stranger, he had just fallen from the ten-foot wall and he was surely injured from it. “It does not matter of what you thought you were doing, you intruded my home and for that you shall pay the price.” The man must have answered for my father to blow up like that. The intruder looked around my age, if only I could see his face, his features, to see how bad he really was injured. “You shall spend fifty years in the dungeon!” My father even frightened me. I knew I had to do something, I knew he didn’t deserve this. Just because that one man killed my mother doesn’t mean this man is going to do the same.
“Stop!” I started running into the room. “You shall not do this, he has committed no crime in your kingdom for this punishment.“
“Stay out of this daughter and go back to your chamber.”
“No father, let me help this man, he is clearly injured. I shall not take no for an answer.” As I started for the man my father steps in front of me. “Father,” I whisper, “I am twenty-one you can not stop me anymore. You didn’t even say happy birthday to me today.” I had told my father many times before that he doesn’t care because he has never once said happy birthday to me, I would always have to remind him that it was my birthday; no more I say. Not waiting for a reply I walk around him and help the man up and take him away to help his injuries. I had finally stood up for myself and spiritually I am a free woman.
As I was taking the man to the health wing he spoke to me in a soft pleasant voice, “that was a very brave thing you did for stranger like me. Everyone in the kingdom knows about the tale of the mother.” He took a long look at me from the side and stated more than ask, “So you’re the famous beautiful daughter of the king?”
“What do you mean famous?”
“Well the king had a mural done of when your mother was still alive and you were a very cute baby.”
Realizing that I started blushing a little I stayed quiet for a moment to calm down then stated, “Well I have never seen it so I wouldn’t know.”
“You’ve never seen the mural? It’s like in the center of the kingdom, really big and everything.”
“I’ve never left the castle,” I started to sound sad but I didn’t want him to know how bad I wanted to actually leave the castle.
“Well as soon as I get better I’ll take you there.”
“Really? Why? What’s in it for you?”
“The pleasure of taking a beautiful woman out.”
Overfilled with joy I turn and kiss the man on the cheek, then I stop. He slowly turns toward me and kisses me in the lips. I knew from then on he was my one true love.

YEARS LATER: Jeannette and the man, whom was apparently named Jackson, got married and had three lovely children: two daughters named Anneliese and Jenny and a handsome son named Jackson Jr. With the family she has always dreamed of she lived happily and never complained about a single thing. This was a very happy ending for Jeannette.

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