Kims Unscripted Last Words | Teen Ink

Kims Unscripted Last Words

February 20, 2010
By SmilingFool GOLD, Merrickville, Other
SmilingFool GOLD, Merrickville, Other
10 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no certainty, only opportunity
- V for Vendetta

Dear Edward,

I am writing you this because I have come to realize that no matter how strong this bond between us is, it is all too evident that we will never see each other again. In my world, you are denied the right to exist just as you are; without the scorn and intolerance of others too narrow minded to see past the plants in their windows. In your world, I am denied my family, my friends, and everything I need to make me whole and who I am. As much as you mean to me, living in isolation would kill me Edward. But what would kill me even more would be living the rest of my life knowing you never heard the things I've been wanting to tell you. Things I've felt and known ever since that fateful Christmas Eve, when I was so sure I had lost you before I even had a chance to have you.

Edward, it was not just because of the finality of that moment in the tower that I told you I love you. I do love you. I love you more than I even thought possible to feel. I thought I was in love with with Jim,but looking back now I see that no amount of flattery or physical attraction that he expressed to me could bulid up into nothing more than childish infatuation and lust.I never looked into Jim's eyes and felt moved to tears, not once when I was in his arms was I so intoxicated by desire did i think that being skinned alive would be the more sane alternative than letting go.I kick myself everyday for EVER thinking that you wre a freak of nature or some medical experiment gone wrong. Either of these things couldn't make me feel what can only be described as a barbaric severing of my heart as I bid you goodbye for what I wish more than anything wasn't the very last time.Thank you for everything you have taught me Edward ; about compassion, innocence, pain, and the virtous meaning of what it is to love unconditionally; no strings attached. For this, all of you could be made of scissors, and my heart would be bleeding just the same.

I love you
I always will


The author's comments:
This was inspired by one of my favourite movies of all time, "Edwardscissorhands"

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