Showdown | Teen Ink


January 24, 2023
By Anonymous

Today is going to be a good day because the big fight is coming up against Mike Tyson in his prime and Muhammad Ali in his prime. They both really wanted this fight for a long time and so did the people in the world that watch boxing. They both are in training right now, they both have their own skills, and they both review each other's fights to see any weakness that they both have. Mike is a very big guy and has a lot of power on his right hand. He knocked so many people out and had a good record throughout his boxing career. Ali is really fast on his skills. His footwork is so fast that his opponents never could predict him in any way.

They both are very skilled fighters and some of the best fighters in the world.

I think that it's going to be a draw because both fighters are going to give all they have in this fight. Both of them are going all twelve rounds and each round it's a tie or a win. If there were a winner, I’d pick Mike because he has a lot of power and technique. Also, it could be Muhammad because if he waits for the right time he could get a big shot at him to knock him out. The face off was in two hours and both fighters were both locked in, getting ready for the fight. They both had a lot to say, but that just goes to show the crowd that they want to rip each other apart and to make it interesting. 

Muhammmad threw a right hook at Mike because Mike said, “When I win I'll take your whole team and your life.”  That made Muhammad mad and he threw the right hook but he missed because he was too far from Mike. Mike reacted shocked because thought that Muhammad was going to save that energy in the ring but he didn't. Then the both fighters were both brought down off the stage to freestyle their skills in a different ring to show the audiences who is going to win this boxing match. A lot of other boxing people were going to bet money like Mayweather, Ryan Garcia, Tank, and Canelo. They all bet over $10,000 each. Some picked Muhammad and some others picked Mike. 

 Both fighters were interviewed and were told how the fight was going to go down. Mike said, “I think in the 3rd round I'm going to come out with a big right hook to the jaw for a knockout.” Muhammad said, “ I’m going to take him through all twelve rounds and see how much skill he has and by that time I'm coming out with the big right upper cut for the win.” The both fighters are heated and ready for the time to go faster because no one else wants this fight like they both do. They want to rip each other apart, a lot of celebrities are going to be at this fight. Like Drake, Lil baby, Da baby, Jcole, and a lot more. 

A lot of pro boxing guys are going to flip out if one of the fighters wins the boxing match. The fighters are heading to the ring ready to fight. First they bring Mike Tyson out in the ring. Then they bring out Muhammad Ali. He gets up in the ring and goes around the ring hyping everybody up and making little kids happy that the best fighters in the world are about to fight and get the big title. They both went in their corners and the coaches were giving them their pep talk on what they have to do to knock their opponent out or get any big shots.

The first round has started and they both circle around the ring waiting for the right time to swing at each other. The first round Muhammad won, then in the second round Mike came with a lot of punches, some of them connected  and some didn’t connect. They gave the second round to MIke because he threw a lot of punches and Muhammad was staying back just waiting for a big hook to hit. Muhammad has the patience and Mike just wants to get a big right uppercut to knock Muhammad out but he's not letting him touch him at all. The 3rd round was a draw because both of the fighters were waiting and putting jabs up to get their points, so they gave that round to both of the fighters.

Mike was so tired because he wasted all his energy in the two rounds trying to knock out Ali, but Ali has so much energy left that he's taking Mike to the twelve round for the knockout of the century. Mike will stand his ground and go the full twelve rounds. He's very tired and he wants to take a quick water break to get back in the ring and have enough energy to get through the 3rd round. Muhammad is talking a lot of bad stuff in the ring to Mike Tyson and Mike is getting too mad and he's just swinging so hard that one of his punches hit him in the rib. Muhammad went down on his knee to get a good breather before he got up. The 3rd round they gave it to Mike Tyson then as time went by they both got through all eleven rounds and they got to the last round. Everybody is hyping both the fighters up. 

Their water break has ended and they both get all beat up and bloody and  they both start to get up and throw a lot of punches at each other and Mike goes down on one of Muhammad left hooks to the rib. Mike got up and just went back to fight but Muhammad is giving him hell because he’s just hitting the same spot were he knocked him down and at the last minute Mike's coaches through a white towel in the ring as a forfeit to the fight because Mike’s face was all swollen up and he couldn't move. He was just standing still in the middle of the ring. Muhammad won the match and now he’s known for beating the best boxer in the world.

The author's comments:

My name is Noe Alfaro Erostico and I wrote this for my class 

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