Dragon Ball Z | Teen Ink

Dragon Ball Z

May 6, 2019
By Anonymous

Goku and Frieza are fighting on a planet called Namek. While goku is fighting to save the world his friends are looking for the Dragon Balls to grant him three wishes. The problem is that Frieza is trying to kill Goku and destroy the planet before they find the Dragon Balls. Frieza had 2 wishes, one of them he already fulfill then and that was too destroy all the namekians that lived in planet Namek. His second wish was to get the Dragon Balls. With the three wishes that he was going to get he wanted to be invincible, a God Of Destruction, and grow a little bit more. While they were fighting Goku hears a voice in his mind saying “we got the Dragon Balls Goku” he was thinking who it was until he figured out it might be one of his friends. Goku responded to the voice saying “ i’ll be right over there, let me get away from him first”. He tried getting away from him but Frieza didn't let him and told him “ I know what your trying to do Goku, i’m not going to let you get away and keep the Dragon Balls!”. So then Goku tried getting to his friends but Frieza was always behind him. When he was arriving he saw a green guy but he wasn't sure who it was, so when he arrived Goku saw that one of the Namekians were alive his name was Dendei. He told him to summon the Dragon Balls to grant him his three wishes. When the Namekian named Dendei said “eternal dragon , by your name I summon you forth; Shenron!” A mysterious dragon came out and told him “ why have you summoned me? Tell me your wish now” so that's when goku told Dendei to tell him to revive all the people that were killed by Frieza and send them to planet Earth. Shenron then asks them what their second wish was going to be and Dendei told him to give all the Goku’s strength back, Shenron then grant him the wish and told them what their last wish was going to be. Dendei was about to tell him his third wish but Frieza interfere and tried telling Shenron “make me invincible, make me invincible!”  but Shenron didn't listen because he Frieza wasn't the one that summoned him. When frieza was to busy telling Shenron to grant him that wish Goku goes at him with a Destrcuto Disc and chops him in half. Dendei hurrys and says “ can you please restore this planet on how it was before” Goku then sees that Frieza is dead and goes stand all cocky in front of the Dragon balls because he was able to defeat Frieza and bring all his friends back with the three wishes he had.

The author's comments:

This is my first time writing an article and i hope yall like it. 

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