MothMan | Teen Ink


November 5, 2018
By lainyybugg BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
lainyybugg BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As her winter boots hit the slush against the porch of her house she was off on her adventure. A purple drawstring on her back and this gleam in her eyes as she made her way from the porch down the cracked pavement of her driveway. She sweet sun hidden skin covered by a furry synthetic pink fur. Snowflakes dancing before getting caught in the tips of the pink fur as she made her move to head left from her home. The rusted gate creaked shut behind her. Her eyes looking up from her mudded shoes to the sight in front of her. She had a bunched up blanket in her two small arms. Noodle sized is what her mother had always called them.

Dj nuzzled her cold nose against some of the blanket as she waited for the little crosswalk man to pop up on his sign. As she walked down the covered road she found herself at Kevin’s Pet Store, a place that had been around this quiet town since her father was born. There was rust coming from the bottoms of the dimly light sign, it curled around the edges of the letters.

Her heart sank as she thought about that store, how much it had change through her years of living, but she quickly shook her head an turned to head down the sidewalk. Her eyes scanned the areas she stepped, making sure to be careful of an ice that happened to be blocking her way, it was winter after all.

After a few turns and a few missteps of her feet she was at the edge of the tree line that was in the forest. It had a fence around it and just like most things in her area, it was rusted with a rough brown color. She set down her blanket so she could tug off the bag on her back, tossing it over it flopped down on the other side. Next thing to go over the fence was the blanket, it had prints of different colored stripes, pinks, blues and even yellows. Said blanket was fuzzy and a bit taller than her when it wasn't bunched up in her arms. She squatted down a bit so her knees were at a 90 degree angle, than she launched up, feet pushing into the air. Her arms went up and over her head as she flung the blanket over the fence. Her eyes sparkled as it got over without getting stuck, her smile widened and she clapped her cold, red hands together. Pressing the toe of her boots she laughed it into one of the holes in the metal fence, crawling up as if she were rock climbing, except this was less eventful.

Once her feet hit the other side of the fence she was off faster than lighting on a rainy day, she looked like she was gliding, her toes barely touching the ground as she ran through the woods like a wolf child.  

Her breath hitched as she slowly came to a halt from her journey and her eyes gleamed with happiness, her hands un fastening themself from the bunched up, warm blanket in her arms. She looked over at the large cave opening and brushed her finger tips against the rock as she slowly stepped in a few feet at the doorway.


She calls into the cave, her voice bouncing off the wall and coming back to her in a soft whisper, there was a small noise that came back to her, not words but the sound of wings flapping. Her cheeks brightened up, heat pooling in her stomach as that feeling of butterflies churning in side her came to life, she laughed quietly and dropped her blanket on the moist ground and dove straight into the dark cave. Her steps abruptly stopping as something brushed its soft hands against her cheeks, picking her up buy them ever so slightly. She gushed as she felt the hands of her sweet boyfriend, all the coldness flushing out of her system as her heart pumped blood through her in what seemed to be a harsher way.

“I missed you”

Was all she cound muster before she linked her arms around his furry neck and pressed her face into his black chest. Her eyes filling with tears of joy as his chest hitched, small vibrations making her head perk, he was laughing. Her nose ran a bit from the cold and from her crying, The inhuman creature wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him as he tried to warm her up. She rolled her brown orbs slightly and pressed their foreheads together as she looked into his large red eyes.

“What’s so funny?”

She murmured softly, his anteni flinching softly as he nuzzled there noses together, his eyes having a gleam of mischief in his eyes as he looked down at her.

“You are such a tease” She giggled and rubbed her red nose into his fluff.

“But I love you”

She smiled and he chirped happily as he scooped her up in his big meaty arms, like a bride on the homemoon of their wedding. He skipped over to the edge of the cave and plopped down on the ground, Dj still in his arms as he moved to cover them both up in the blanket she had brought. As they sit their, holding each other in there warmth thy looked up at the sky, the snow still falling as slow as ever and for awhile it felt like time had stopped. It felt like just the two of them in this big world, as the cold steam of her breath flew from her peach parted lips she looked up at the white fluff of the clods and smiled--she loved her life and wouldn't have had wanted it any other way.

She dreamed of a man when she was younger, someone who would make her laugh and someone who she could have a real connection with, and if you had told her when she was younger that she would grow up to date a human moth, she would be very confused, but she wouldn't change her beautiful boyfriend for the world.

The author's comments:

A piece I had to write in Creative Writing.

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