Home // Sick | Teen Ink

Home // Sick

May 31, 2017
By Anonymous

Am I homesick? Or am I sick of being at home? Am I sick away from home or do I stay at home when I’m sick. Why am I homesick when I’m at home? If I get homesick, am I sick? What is a home? What counts as being sick? Do I get sick if home is not home after all? Am I sick not knowing where home is? Do I even have a home, where I am not sick? Why am I still uncomfortable in the place where I should feel safest? Why are my words pouring out of my mind like acid rain in a forest? How come I am still restless when everything I have ever asked for is here, with me, at home. Am I sick or did I force this illusion onto myself. Why am I feeling homesick, and why can’t I explain how I’m feeling? Where is my home, and how can I find it when I’m feeling sick like this. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece thinking of the time I fell sick last year. This is just a stream of conciousness that I had when my mind went to places it shouldn't have been.

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