Good man | Teen Ink

Good man

May 3, 2017
By GabrielMaya SILVER, Flower Mound , Texas
GabrielMaya SILVER, Flower Mound , Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

-What did you do for people?

-There was no free time in my schedule;but what do you mean? My aim was to help. I have a meeting with God in 2 minutes and I know what I need to know from him.


-Did you do nothing?

-No! You don't understand! I did something other  people may never do ... Once I looked at my fears face to face and they said " We're a dream, don't look to the past and wonder about us, we are already a part of you. We are no longer real".


-Did you do nothing?

-My plan was to help everyone is the whole wide world, but I failed. I ran out of time; do I need a challenge? I have a meeting ith God in 2 minutes and I know what I need to know from him.


-Did you do nothing?

- Yes.


Then God's manager said:


-Evil can breath, but it doesn't exist. Time can run but it doesn't exist. Sleep 8 hours per day, but you don't need to create a plan. Look, what you can "destine" may never had existed.

The author's comments:

Pardon if there is any english mistake. I am still learning this language.


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