Addiction | Teen Ink


May 25, 2016
By Anonymous

“hello.  You may be wondering why you are here.” A voice sound off from some far away place. You slowly begin to nod back into consciousness, your head is killing you but you cant remember why. You swear you have opened your eyes but all you see is complete darkness. Fear begins to set in as you fumble around in the pitch blackness.
“don’t be afraid.” The voice sounded a bit closer that time.
You bring yourself to ask who the voice was and why you were here in this dark abyss.
“huh… I’m actually quite surprised why you don’t know why you are here. I would have assumed otherwise considering what you had done. I am also surprised you don’t know who I am.”
A chill runs down your spine as you begin to remember.
“by the look on your face it I can tell you are starting to remember.”
The voice sounded a bit more distorted than last time.
“you are here because… YOU CAN’T ESCAPE ME.”
Suddenly a light flashes in the darkness and you can see where you are. It is an alleyway. Far in the depths of it you see… yourself but skinnier and sickly looking. Needles cover your body and face full of a strange green liquid.
“what wrong? You afraid to take another hit?”
As soon as ‘you’ say that you wake up in a bed still in the rehab center, scared out of your wits but still 6 weeks clean.

The author's comments:

this was a small flash fiction assingment from my creative writing class.

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