Mushroom's Day | Teen Ink

Mushroom's Day

May 16, 2016
By MicahRideout BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
MicahRideout BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At an odd school, with odd people, odd things happen.

The fat, little woman with a squished face at the front desk walked up to Johnny, ”What’s your name honey pie?”
“Johnny but you can call me John.”
“Will you follow me honey pie.”
John followed the old person and experienced the fun of school.
When he had finished the 8 hour tour, Johnny walked outside and went home.

On the first day of school everyone already knew everyone else except for him. The school looked much more intimidating than it had on the day before. All the other kids looked at him funny, but that was okay because he would be friends with everyone.
“What’s your name?” Looking at the closest weird person.
“Barack Obama, yours?”
But John didn’t answer, he had walked away the second he heard the name. The first class began and Johnny was in the back row.
“Now class, please shut your mouths. We will all begin by doing a sheet on getting to know each other. I will pass them out and you will do them while I talk.”
This was the type of sheet that he hated; it asked all the questions that he hated to answer. He slowly filled it out knowing that he would have to share it with the class.
“Alright class, we will now share our sheets out loud. Since all except one of you know each other we will start with the new kid.”
Johnny looked around nervously, “Um, hi.” There was absolute silence. “Well, I’ll just read this. My name is Johnny Mushroom and I’m 11 and my favorite color is blue.” This was only the beginning of the list, there were about two more whole pages of this. “Um, can I be done?”
The teacher looked surprised, obviously no one had ever been brave enough to ask this to him. “I guess that’s enough for now.”
So the class went on, then the day, and finally lunch. He sat alone, no one went to him so he stayed there. After that he went home, he did not try and stay for the rest of the school. His mom,  Aphradora Mushroom, was sitting in front of the house and smiled.
“How was your day?”
Johnny was frowning,”Fine.”

Johnny went into his room and looked at his pet caterpillar. He sat down and fell asleep.
He was flying. He was flying around a huge of tyson chicken. The chicken smelt very yummy. The chicken bent down and stared right at Johnny. All the sudden it struck, and swallowed him whole. “Ahhhh” Johnny screamed.
His mother came rushing in,”What is it honey? Are you okay.”
Johnny looked around, he was too old to be embarrassed. He did not care what his mom thought of him. “Well, it all started when the giant tyson chicken ate me, then it ended.”
“Ohh, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I should have told you sooner. Our family is haunted by a giant tyson chicken.”
All the sudden, there was a loud cry. It was actually more of a cluck.
“Ohh no, it has returned.” She said.

The next day, Johnny went to school. It was as normal as it could get. How could the world get on with life, when such a large danger. He didn't know, but he had to find a way to stop it. All day long, he drifted through classes, thinking only of how to stop that evil chicken.
At the end of the day a kid named Barack Obama had befriended him even though he had not talked.
“So, what do you want to do?” Barack said. He waited a few seconds. “Do you play any sports? I like soccer. Do you? Do you want to play soccer with me? Do you?” he looked at Johnny.
Johnny stared back with daggers in his eyes. He was not letting him think. “Okay, I’ll play soccer, just please be quiet. I need to think.”
The next day Johnny found a smart, friendly girl named Wilma Shakespear. He told her about the giant evil chicken and how much of a danger it would be. He had expected her to laugh and make fun of him, but to his surprise she didn’t.
“Well,” she suggested, ”maybe it is really nice, but is hurt or sad.”
John looked down and shuffled his feet. “Um, it has haunted our family for 73 generations. I think that it wouldn’t be sad for like, 7000 years.”
“Well, give him a chance.”

Johnny and Obama walked to soccer practice and met the soccer coach Mick Burger.
“Hello guys, if you're here for soccer practice, there is none. Our first game is tomorrow.”
“Yay!” everyone yelled.
Johnny was in the back looking down. He was very bad at soccer, this was bad.

When they all got back from talking with Mick Burger; Johnny, Obama, and Ms. Shakespear walked to the car line.
Obama started digging something out of his pocket. “Bye guys, see you tomorrow.” He took out a small golden whistle. He blew it, causing a shrill sound to ring through the air. Then, a large troop of monkeys came running and jumping out of the forest. Obama ran and jumped in the middle of them. They caught him and ran away. Wilma sat down and disappeared.
Johnny sat down and waited. He got into the car and told his mom what Wilma had proposed.
“Well, why would he have been mad for 73 generations.” His mother said, confused.
They went home and McFlower Mushroom was sitting on the floor, examining the exotic toenails he had brought from the newest asteroid. “Hey honey, I brought you some Fixergizeled toenails for you, your favorite.”
“We have a more serious issues to discuss, even though they are delicious!” said Mrs. Mushroom looking excited. “You know, the giant evil tyson chicken I told you about. Well, it's back.”
Mr. Mushroom didn’t react. “Also, an asteroid is going to hit us.”

The next morning, Johnny took his Fixergizeled toenail soup to school for lunch, and thought about how he could stop the chicken.
He pulled up to the school and got out, his first class was Literature, Mr. Beanburg. His class was the worst, he always made Johnny share things out loud. No-one else liked him either. So, his class is full of moaning, groaning people.
He slowly made it through the class and the rest of the day. He walked to the soccer game and heard the loud evil Buuc-caaaaaw. “Oh no.”

The game started nicely, nobody scored, but Johnny was in the whole time. Over the roar of about three people, he could hear Obama and Wilma screaming as loud as they could. He did as well as he could. He only face-planted a total of six times.
Finally, Johnny got the ball. He was running and then a dark shadow fell over the field. He fell. He heard a horrible shriek that burned his ears. Johnny got up and fell back over in shock. The giant evil tyson chicken was standing over him, fire burning in its eyes.
Johnny did a quick scan of the entire bird and saw no blood, broken things, or even anything that would cause it pain. He quickly came to the conclusion that the chicken really was evil and not just hurt.
Johnny ran over to the small bleacher, “Guys, I don’t think it’s hurt. Nothi-”
“We know,” Wilma hissed. “It has very good hearing and a long time ago someone from your family said something bad about it. Do you have a plan?”
“I might.”
Johnny ran across the field, dodging the large chicken foot that was trying to smash him. It was now or never. Johnny picked up a soccer ball and kicked it as hard as he could. It bounced off the large bird and made it spin. It caught sight of the ball and chased after it.
Johnny began to set up the trap. He set soccer balls everywhere and stood behind the goal. “Hey you very large flightless rat, come and get me.” That's when it started.
The very large flightless rat jumped. It landed right in front of the goal. It let out what Johnny thought was a war cry, but it still didn’t move.
Johnny was very ready for this, but the bird wasn’t moving. “I think I’ll just call you Leeroy.”
That did it. Leeroy ran at Johnny Mushroom. In five seconds Johnny was going to be dead. Four, three, two. Then with one step left, Leeroy tripped on the net. Flying through the air, it landed hard, face down on the soccer balls. It rolled into the net opposite of the one it tripped over, and cried out in defeat.
Johnny ran over to his friends. “We did it.” There was an odd noise that sounded like a loud whistle. He didn’t care. He had won.
Wilma was crying tears, “Nope.”
Leeroy had gotten up from the trap, the net still over his head.
“Oh no.”
It ran. All of the sudden, its eyes widened in fear and shock. Some of the soccer balls were still set up. It slipped and fell again. The whistling got louder and louder until everyone was holding their ears.
KABLOOMMMY. Johnny was thrown backwards from the force and he landed with a thud. When the dust cleared, he saw a gaping hole where the tyson chicken had been standing, then everything went black.
BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. What was that. BEEP. Turn it off. BEEP. BEEP. He opened his eyes, slowly things came into focus. He was in a dark, moldy room that smelled like bananas. Beside him was a large white machine that had lots of numbers and a green line. His left arm was really itchy, but it was covered in a hard cast.
“Hello Johnny.” said a deep voice from the shadows. “Your father took my toenails, and you ate them. I would like to have them back.”

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