I am a Service Dog | Teen Ink

I am a Service Dog

January 5, 2016
By rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
rockstar3 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A time in space that has no meaning.  A time in the world when you no longer know what is going on.  A time in your life where you never saw thing.  To never see the person you grew up to be. Or how you look.  Or who you became. A life lost in the dark.  A person born blind, and never to see the world.
But the thing is, Oliver can see the world.  Oliver can pull that boy away from harm.  Oliver can show him the path.  A service dog that isn’t only a friend, but family.  Trained to be the eyes, the map, and the crossing guard.  The bark that comes with an intruder.  The pull of the “come, come, you can walk now.” And the nudge of the nose against a door to signify that they came to a destination. 
A dog that would never leave his side.   A dog that patiently waits for him. A dog who is family.

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