Whispers | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By D.Tierney BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
D.Tierney BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If one dream dies, dream another dream. If you get knocked down, get back up and go again.&quot;<br /> <br /> -Joel Osteen

I was cursing the cold walk to school. He had overslept his alarm and therefore missed the bus. He was not a fan of going to a school that was built on top of a cemetery, but it was the neighborhood school and convenient for his parents. The place was just plain creepy due to all the tombstones on display.  A couple times he could swear he heard voices whispering, but he wrote it off as his imagination.
Ethan was the first to notice his arrival as he weaved in between desks and skewed chairs; Ethan made room for him to sit. Andrew seemed to be arguing intensely with June and May over some Disney movie, again. No matter how many times they have had this argument, Andrew always starts it up again, and just like all other ones he loses.
“Which movie is it now?” I asked enthusiastically, while sitting down.  “No idea, I’ve been zoning out. It gets old after the second time Paul.” Ethan replied before the teacher’s shrill voice grabbed everyone’s attention.
“Today your table groups will be filming each other with these new thermal cameras. You break this and you get to pay the $300 dollars to replace it, so no goofing off. Tomorrow you will go through what you recorded. Off you go.”
“Shall we?” I asked as I stood to retrieve a camera, knowing that if I didn’t no one else in our group would. They followed with a grumble of annoyance due to the “energy” that the walk took. The camera didn’t look fancy, but yet again looks aren’t everything. Let’s just hope that the footage is something interesting or I may reconsider why I signed up for this class.
While we were filming I swear that I heard someone calling my name spinning around, I was met with the empty hallway. “Hey Paul would you mind actually pointing the camera at your subjects. You know us?” said June, who happens to be the only one to notice my 180. “Yeah sorry. I got distracted.” I said as I focused the camera back on them.
Another 20 minutes of filming June, May, Ethan, and Andrew blabbing about random topics I felt as though someone had shoved their hand through my chest for a moment and then the sensation disappeared.
What the heck was going on? First voices and now weird sensations. What was next, a ghost apocalypse? “Paul, focus. If you want, Ethan can film a little if you need a break.” May barked due to me unconsciously lowering of the camera.
“Yeah that might be a good idea. Here you go Ethan.” I managed to get out as I shoved the camera into his hands.
Rasping voices seemed to still follow me everywhere, calling my name but every time I seeked a glance around me I saw nothing. There is something seriously wrong with this school. The fact that I am the only one who seems to hear them is more disturbing than the voices. Maybe I have some mental health problems no one has told me about, although I highly doubt that.
“Is anyone else hearing rasping voices calling their name?” Andrew burst like it has been bothering him for a while now.
“Actually, yeah, I have.” I said while eliminating the whole mental health idea. At that same moment a rasping voice called out, “Leave! You are not wanted.” With a shared look Andrew and I bolted as fast as we could with June, May, and Ethan, who was running backwards on our heals.
We only stopped once we were outside the building. “What was that? Some kind of joke?” June panted out. All I could do was shake my head and try to get air back into my lungs. “Well hopefully we can find out tomorrow.” managed Ethan holding the camera up.
The next day we huddled around Andrew’s computer as he downloaded our footage from yesterday. When the video finally finished loading we could see complete cold thermal outlines that were something other than us.
“I am going to go out on a limb and guess that those are ghost outlines.” Said Andrew, his face was still fixated on the screen. When we reached the part of the footage where that weird feeling occurred the camera shows a ghostly hand and arm sticking through my chest.
“Dude, you were impaled.” Ethan says while his face paled even further than it already had. “Thanks, Sherlock. I hadn’t noticed.” I said, while leaning away from the screen.
“That is some good visual effects you have there,” came the teacher's voice from behind, making us all jump. She smiled and then walked away as if nothing had happened. “Why do I get the feeling that she already knows about the ghosts?” June said as she stared at the place where the teacher was standing.


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