Wax museum | Teen Ink

Wax museum

April 6, 2015
By bam312001 BRONZE, Dillsdurg, Pennsylvania
bam312001 BRONZE, Dillsdurg, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 All alone in the wax museum of infamous figures of history, a sudden shuffling behind me brought me to my senses. behind me glass shattered and I heard a gurgling moan. out of the broken glass cylinder stumbled out the waxy figure of Adolf Hitler. He stumbled towards me slowly at first but was gaining speed. I panicked and threw myself into the double doors that led into the hall and sprinted down it. I attempted to lose them in the building but only managed to get myself lost. Running down down through the hallway i finally found a map of the building but it appeared that the monsters chasing me knew the building much better than I did because they came from both ends of the hallway. I bolted up the stairwell behind me and onto the roof. More than half of the wax memories followed me onto the roof and froze in the -30 degree night air of Ontario, Canada. I raced back inside and sprinted to the basement and after holding my own for 4 hours I was overwhelmed and killed.


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