Torched | Teen Ink


January 16, 2015
By Heidirose SILVER, Mondamin, Iowa
Heidirose SILVER, Mondamin, Iowa
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always shoot for the moon. If you happen to miss and land among the stars, isn't that better than never having stepped foot off the ground?

The spark started a small lick of flame, but it didn’t stay infinitesimal for long. Soon it was consuming all it could, raging over the entire surface of the now-doomed victim. No sound was uttered except a hissing sizzle from the flame itself as it made fast work any spot left untorched.
By then, our contingent was near unrecognizable. Every exposed part was charred and left for ash.
Others would quickly intervene, though. The removal team had to be strategically broken in two to help assist the now quite-blackened individual. Surrounding our deliberately-fired sufferer, they came together to grip opposite sides of our specimen and gently evacuated the subject off of their perch.
It appeared as if the rescue team had successfully removed as much of the broiled individual as possible.
Unexpectedly, a third party rushed into the mix and got too close to the heat still emanating from the victim. It was incredibly startling for the rescuers to watch them suffer almost immediately. The poor, oblivious passerby was soon melting all over them, and there was nothing they could do but catch as much of the runoff as they could.
With a slow smile, I looked down at the now perfect s’more, dripping chocolate into my hand from between the graham crackers and well-done marshmallow.

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